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Wednesday, June 25, 2014

Detroit - UN May Have To Help City

In what has become an unimaginable scenario, in a major U.S. city, the city of Detroit has half its population unable to pay its water bill!  You read that correctly, half the Detroit residents can't pay a basic necessity of life, water.  A spokesman for the Detroit Water System stated it is a possibility that the United Nations may have to step in to help provide funds to a U.S. city so people can have water. 

Wednesday, June 18, 2014

Iraq - Another Obama Failure

This will be short and sweet today.  I don't feel really well.  But, I had to comment on the deteriorating status of the Iraqi government to Islamic State in Iraq and Syria (ISIS),  an offshoot of Al Qaeda.  ISIS is marching through Iraq like Sherman marched through Atlanta with terrifying results.  Unlike General Sherman, the murderous ISIS is taking no prisoners.  They are murdering Iraqi soldiers by the thousands.  ISIS controls a large part of Syria and now hope to, at the very least, control northern Iraq. 

Wednesday, June 11, 2014

Barack H. Obama - First Emperor of the United States of America

Let's clear up a misconception here, shall we?  Barack Hussein Obama is not the 44th President of the United States of America.  No, that is no longer valid.  He is now and heretofore will always be referred to as the first Emperor of the United States of America.  He is, as one political pundit said last week, "...the president that Richard Nixon always wanted to be."  Emperor Obama does not give any regard to that outdated document called the U.S. Constitution.  He bypasses Congress when they don't bow to his every whim and command.  You don't give me what I want, screw you Congress!

Wednesday, June 4, 2014

Misfire - The VA Scandal

I've held off commentary on this burgeoning scandal surrounding the VA's total incompetence toward our nation's Veterans.  I have done so due to how personal it is to me, a Veteran.  Now, that I have calmed down (somewhat anyway), I want to say that, we as a nation, are truly finished by allowing the men and women die for lack of medical assistance. Where is our moral compass?  Where is our compassion for those who sacrificed themselves by fighting our enemies?  At least 40 Veterans died on a waiting list that was basically ignored or hidden by the VA.  This is simply inexcusable by any definition you wish to use.  There is no excuse valid enough to excuse this total lack of gratitude for our Veterans.

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