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Saturday, October 15, 2011

Barney Frank and the Housing Crisis

Poor Wall Street.  They can't catch a break.  It's bad enough they have caught hell from the Obama Administration (The same Obama they gave millions in campaign donations to in 2008)  for the financial crisis of 2008.  They also must contend with whiny Leftists  aka Occupy Wall St. who despise Capitalism and want a "piece of the action."   They must now contend with sociopath Tim Geithner, alleged Treasury Secretary, who is promsing more punishment for Wall St. CEOs for their crimes in 2008.  You see, in today's climate, if you make too much money ($100 million according to nitwit Rosanne Barr), then you are considered the anti-Christ.   With that thought in mind, Geithner is promising more punitive actions against Wall Street.  I can't say I am surprised.  The Obama Administration had to throw a bone to the anarchists of OWS.  Obama and his pals support the protests by these Leftists.  Obama's only regret is that he can't actively go and join them.  That's the community organizer in him. 

What I do not understand is why are there no protests toward the real villain of the financial meltdown.  The recession started with the Housing Crisis.  Who was it that pushed for sub-prime loans to banks for people who were not financially able to really buy homes?  Who was it that pushed these sub-prime loans on Freddie Mac and Fannie Mae?  None other than Rep. Barney Frank of Massachusetts.  Frank was at the helm in the House when he was warned about these loans by Republicans.  He considered them racists and ignored them.  So, when these people were unable to make the mortgage notes on all these thousands and thousands of home mortgages, the banks were stuck with the note.  It led to nearly a nation-wide collapse of the banking industry.  Yet, little is said of Barney Frank and his responsibility behind the Housing Crisis.

Liberals refuse to discuss this aspect of the financial meltdown.  To do so would be to infuriate a voting bloc of people who were simply ill-prepared to pay for a home mortgage.  Barney Frank pushed this to the limit.  But, he refuses to take any personal responsibility for the financial meltdown in 2008.  The Housing Crisis ignited the fire of the current recession and unemployment.  Nothing is said about Barney Frank's involvement in this crisis due to his belief that people with poor credit should be extended the "right" to own a home. “We made a mistake,” said Frank, “when we equated providing decent housing for everyone with giving everyone the right to own a home.” This is the true mindset of the liberal.  In their world, there are no checks and balances.  Just do what is right, and damn the torpedoes!  So, now, with massive unemployment and home foreclosures not seen since WWII, we as a nation are on the verge of default. 

So, who does Barney Frank blame?  President Ronald Reagan.  That's right.  A man who has been dead for over seven years and out of office since 1988.  “Reagan’s central idea,” said Frank, “was ‘Government is not the answer to our problems—government is the problem.’ His philosophy is why we’re here today.”  Isn't that just like a liberal?  Pass the blame to everyone but themselves.  Even to a dead man. 

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