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Wednesday, July 31, 2013

Fast Food Workers Demand Double Increase in Pay

Fast Food Workers are demanding an increase in pay.  Fast food workers this past Monday went on strike in New York, Chicago, Detroit and other major cities.  Workers are not demanding just an ordinary increase.  They want to double their present salary of minimum wage ($7.25/hr) to $15 an hour.  Workers from McDonalds, Wendys, KFC and others have seen increased worker activity demanding better pay, benefits and working conditions.

Wednesday, July 24, 2013

Commentary: The George Zimmerman Trial

As everyone knows by now, George Zimmerman was found not guilty on all charges.  Of course, the predictable took place.  Race hustlers/pimps, Al Sharpton and Jesse Jackson, showed up to see who could foment the most racial hate and violence.  Of course, the Dynamic Duo will deny their intent is to cause violence.  Yet, every time they show up for a chance to make some money off a tragedy, they incite the crowds for demands of "justice."  Then the Race Hustler in Chief had to chime in with his now infamous "....that could have been me 35 years ago" nonsense.  Why does Obama get himself involved in local issues?  Every time he does it (the famous police acted stupidly comment), he causes even more trouble locally and for himself.

Wednesday, July 10, 2013

Immigration Reform in Jeopardy

A report over this past weekend cast the possibility of Comprehensive Immigration Reform (CIR) aka Amnesty, of being in grave danger of not being passed this year, if ever.  The report states that the White House "...does not see a path to passing immigration."  The fear is that the House will not produce any path to citizenship which would be a death blow to the bill itself.  Democrats have made it clear that any CIR bill would have to include a path to citizenship for the estimated 12-20 million illegal immigrants in this nation.  The Obama Administration has so many scandals to deal with (NSA, IRS targeting, Benghazi, Fast&Furious, etc) they have lost focus on one of President Obama's main issues in his second term agenda; immigration reform.  What hurts even more, House Speaker John Boehner, has stated he will not put CIR up for a vote without majority Republican support.  Boehner has gone back on his word before.  But, he obviously knows if he implements the Hastart Rule,  there is no chance CIR will pass the House in any form.  Amnesty is wildly unpopular amongst constituencies of House members, whom they have to answer to every two years.  Another ominous sign; the guy who was supposed to be the House version of Marco Rubio, Rep. Paul Ryan, has gone silent. 

Just as I suspected would happen, has happened.  Once the voting public found out some of what is in the bill (such as rewarding companies to hire illegals and punish them with Obamacare if they hire American citizens) there would be a backlash.  As many have noted, this bill is even worse than the 2007 Amnesty bill supported by the Amnesty Twins, Lindsey Graham of South Carolina (who is about to be "primaried") and John "Maverick" McCain of Arizona (who faces a recall possibility).  The basic tenets of this bill reward criminal behavior.  That is something that just doesn't sit well with law abiding Americans.  Why should someone who broke U.S. Immigration Law be given a pass and rewarded with legal status?  There is no answer to that from the Amnesty lovers in Congress.  Liberals say Amnesty will keep families together.  As usual, liberals think with their emotions rather than use their brain.  No thought is given to the crushing blow to social services this would bring if we give Amnesty to millions of illegal aliens.  The simple fact is one that I have repeated all too often on this subject;  the United States of America cannot care for the indigent of the world.  It is not the responsibility of the American taxpayer to do this.  Of course, we need to secure our border.  We have never enforced the border enforcement tenets of the 1986 Immigration Act.  How could we ever expect our government to commit itself to border enforcement in a new immigration reform bill?  The answer; we can't trust them to do it.  End of story.

Wednesday, July 3, 2013

Independence Day 2013

Tomorrow is July 4th, Independence Day.  So many just refer to it as "July 4th."  So many are oblivious to this day being officially Independence Day.  Men and women, who were tired of being taxed without representation, decided they had enough of the superpower of that day, Great Britain.  Imagine an American territory, of today, deciding they were going to declare their independence by force, if necessary.  People would think they were crazy.  I'm sure many colonialists thought that very thing of the likes of Ben Franklin, John Hancock, Thomas Jefferson, et al.  I'm curious what those same forefathers would think of this nation today.  An all-powerful federal government forcing health care down the throats of a supposedly free and independent people is not something of which they would be proud.  An all-powerful federal government that spies on its citizens in clear violation of the 4th Amendment of the Bill of Rights is something many of our forefathers would shed tears over.  How did we come to this place of where we have had our rights abridged by the federal government seemingly over night? 

We have people, in this country today, who are willing to cede rights in exchange for security from the federal government.  We have people, in this country today, who are willing to be sheep in exchange for a nanny state, whereby the federal government cares for you from cradle to grave.  What these same people don't understand, once you give up those rights, the government will not give them back to you.  That is, unless we take them back by force as was the case during the American Revolution.  Americans are lackluster about their current state of affairs.  As long as they have their morning latte, their daily routine uninterrupted, their weekend at the beach, then Americans don't seem to care what the federal government is doing.  Someday, they may see themselves facing what citizens in Boston faced when police, without warrants, without any probable cause, invaded houses and ordered people out of their homes at gunpoint.  That was a chilling moment that almost shadowed the Boston Bombing itself.  Like sheep, these Boston residents filed out of their own homes with their hands in the air.  I'm curious how that would have worked in a state like Texas which almost requires its citizens to be armed. 

So, while you are grilling out tomorrow, or at the beach, think about the perilous times in which we live.  We have a maniacal president who is dead-set on destroying basic liberties that are guaranteed under the Bill of Rights.  Our rights are slowly eroding as he and members of both the Democratic Party and Republican Party work to make us subjects to the federal monarch.  Enjoy your liberties this Independence Day.
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