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Wednesday, June 12, 2013

Scandal of the Week

Going to be a brief blog post today.  But, I just was thinking I had to post on what seems to be a weekly scandal of the week in the Obama Administration.  Of course, liberals are asking, "What scandals?  All I see is racism."  Of course, any criticism of the their precious savior is considered racism.  Regardless, the NSA snooping on every American is only the latest in a growing multitude of scandals encircling the Obama presidency.  Americans are being spied on when they talk on their cell phones, visiting sites on the internet, instant messaging and any form of communication you can think of these days.

 Before Obama, there was this thing called the Bill of Rights.  Obama has shown great disdain for them.  There has been great outcry from some Americans when Edward Snowden admitted he was the one who spilled the beans to Britain's Guardian newspaper about NSA domestic spying.  But, the sad thing, there are Americans (including a lot of politicians) who feel that we must accept a loss of privacy in order to have safety in these terrorist times.  By saying that, the terrorists have won.  I am disgusted by people who have become sheep when it comes to their rights which so many men and women fought and died to preserve.  At this point, I am not going to say Edward Snowden is a hero.  But, he is not a villain either.  Domestic spying is not constitutional no matter the circumstances.  They might as well do away with the 4th Amendment if NSA spying on Americans is legal.

I'm so disgusted by Americans who are like sheep who accept this loss of privacy as a necessary evil.  This is a loss of constitutional rights, ladies and gentlemen.  You lose one right at a time and eventually, you will be enslaved by the state.  As Ben Franklin so eloquently stated, "They who can give up essential liberty to obtain a little temporary safety, deserve neither liberty nor safety."
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