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Saturday, October 22, 2011

Herman Cain in Trouble

Herman Cain's less than stellar performance in Tuesday night's GOP debate has seen some chinks in his armor.  None are what you could consider mortal wounds at this juncture.  But, he has had to clarify at least three comments he has made before and during the debate.  One, he obviously made a joke about having an electrified fence about twenty feet high on the Mexican border.  But, he should have known that the news media is very politically correct.  They were not going to let that one pass by.  Cain made it clear he was simply joking.  If it were financially feasible, I would personally like to see some sort of fence that would make illegals think twice before attempting to cross.  His "999" plan was viciously attacked from the outset by Romney, Perry and even an obviously finished Michelle Bachmann.  He said it was like comparing "apples and oranges" without really clarifying what consisted of apples and oranges in his tax plan.  Cain also got into hot water with his less than clear message on abortion.  He initially made it sound as if he were personally against abortion, but felt the government should not intrude on such a personal decision.  That put him on par with people such as Joe Biden, Barack Obama and a host of other liberals.  Cain later stated he was categorically against abortion regardless of consequences.  Taken one by one, the issues were not to be considered hurtful for Cain.  But, taken as a sum of parts, it points to some troubled times a head for Herman Cain.

Herman Cain has to be more clear in explaining his positions on issues.  He states he wants to bring common sense to politics.  But, he is muddying the waters with his vague statements that are important to conservatives such as illegal immigration, taxes and, of course, abortion.  It was not a bad night for Cain.  This has not been what you could call a bad week and debate for Cain.  But, at the same time, one can't say this had been a good week either.  I have been leaning in the Herman Cain direction.  But, I will never again vote for a man whom I know little about.  No, I did not vote for Obama.  But, I wager a lot of people who voted for Obama not only regret that vote, but regret not delving into his past positions on issues.

Like Obama, if Cain is elected as President, he will be a novice in Washington D.C. politics.  He has to learn to avoid the landmines that are there in his path.  Americans want a President who has a clear, concise message.  Herman Cain has shown this week he has work to do to convince the American voters he can be that man.  I believe Mr. Cain can come back.  He has to go on the attack at those who feel his 999 plan is unworkable.  Right now, Herman Cain is on the clock.  His polling is showing people trust him.  But, if he continues to be unable to clarify his positions, those polling numbers will drop like a rock into the ocean.  It definitely is time for a change in American politics.  But, not more of the same as we have seen in Obama.  Cain has to change that perception of himself.

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