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Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Pravda: Obama is a Communist

You know that old saying?  If it walks like a duck, quacks like a duck, looks like a duck, chances are it must be a duck.  That is what I tell people when I describe The Anointed One as a Socialist.  He surrounds himself with hardcore Socialists, he believes in the Communist Manifesto, he believes in redistribution of wealth.  So, chances are, President Obama is a Socialist.  The only thing I don't understand is why doesn't he just come out and admit it.  Well, the one newspaper that would know a Socialist/Communist is the Russian newspaper, Pravda.    In their newspaper of November 19, 2012, they state categorically, "Recently, Obama has been reelected for a 2nd term by an illiterate society and he is ready to continue his lies of less taxes while he raises them."  Ouch.  That must hurt the Obama Zombies to the bone.  In fact, many Republicans have said the same for several years.  Obama does raise taxes, such as Obamacare.  It is a tax.  He has raided Medicare of over $700 billion, the first U.S. President to do so.  Nothing is said by the Pravda of America, otherwise known as CBS, ABC, NBC, New York Times and on and on. 

Pravda goes on to state (and this one must really hurt the Progressives in both the Democratic and Republican Parties), "The communists won in America with Obama, but failed miserably in Russia with Zyuganov who only received 17% of the vote."  Double ouch.  Pravda also brings forth something myself and many Conservatives believe, "...liberalism is a psychosis."  It is indeed a mental disorder.  The idea of taking from those who "make" and give to those who "take" is an idea as old and dead as Vladimar Lenin     Socialism is a failed economic model that has laid waste to lives and countries throughout the centuries.  Again, no one knows this better than those who suffered at the hands of Socialist elitists, the  people in Russia.  Spreading wealth is an age old concept that sounds good on the surface.  But, it fails miserably when put into practice.  Socialism stifles ingenuity, entrepreneurship,  and the daily lives of people.  It is a failure.  But, the communists/socialists/liberals of America want to give it a try.  Obamacare will prove right away it is a grotesque failure.  Will that stop the Obama Zombies?  Nope.  Meanwhile, 23 million Americans don't have a job.  Inflation is rising.  The economy is in shambles.  But, the Communists in America have their foot in the door.  They will not stop until they open that door all the way.  Consequences be damned.

Wednesday, November 21, 2012

The Infinite Debt Ceiling

Tim Geithner's statement of an "infinite debt ceiling" shouldn't surprise anyone.  After all, this is a Treasury Secretary who avoided paying his taxes, while insisting all other Americans, aka peasants, do their "patriotic duty" and pay their taxes.  It is very difficult to understand someone in Geithner's position to state something so dumbfounding and idiotic.  Did this man take one course in basic economics?  Or even spend one day in an economics class?  If you continue borrowing, at some point in time, you are unable pay back the loan(s).  I mean, most elementary school children could probably explain that to Mr. Geithner.  When you are unable to pay back loans, the only other course of action is bankruptcy.  Surely, our esteemed Secretary of the Treasury understands that.  Or does he?  If you do a background search on Tim Geithner, you will find most of his degrees are in  "international relations."  That's right. Mr. Geithner does have a degree in something called "international economics."  Obviously, he has studied the European economic model carefully.  He thinks what is happening in Greece, insofar as the now mandatory austerity measures, is nothing to worry about.  Rioting, people losing their jobs, and violence is collateral damage for an "infinite debt ceiling."

Now, I'm by no means an economics expert.  But, I do know how to balance my checkbook.  I do know how to maintain a budget.  Our federal government is under no such restraint, apparently.  Does Mr. Geithner understand that if we keep printing money, without paying it back, it eventually becomes worthless?  Does Mr. Geithner understand  that with worthless money being transacting across this nation and the world, inflation will skyrocket to levels we have never imagined before?  I'm amazed at the ineptitude of supposedly well-educated elitists in D.C.  Progressives have planned this for decades now.  They want to bankrupt this country in order to make everyone dependent upon an all-powerful federal government.  This is their dream coming true.  President Obama is on board also.  I know that incenses the Obama Zombies.  But, explain what else a callous comment as the "infinite debt ceiling" could possibly mean.  Sure, by himself, Tim Geithner can't get that dream of a limitless debt.  Obama wants to bankrupt this nation.  Allowing an infinite debt ceiling would get him to that goal. 

Wednesday, November 14, 2012

The Santa Claus Syndrome

Well, its been over a week since the Presidential election and I just now can speak about it.  It was a major disappointment to me, of course.  I thought the ideas of hard work, giving Americans tools to become successful, getting government off the backs of businesses would be a winning message for Mitt Romney.  Unfortunately, it was not.  President Obama did not win due to a winning message.  He won on negative attacks on Mitt Romney and deflection on his four-year record of high unemployment, out of control spending, massive debt and scandals such as Fast and Furious and, of course, Benghazi attack on our embassy.  None of that mattered to the Obama Zombies who only care about one thing; what can the government give to me.  It's a frightening prospect to consider that Americans no longer think they can survive on their own.  They now need the federal government to take care of them.  This is not the America of Jefferson, Adams and Washington.  No, this is now the America of Reid, Pelosi and Obama. 

Much has been made of the impact of the Hispanic vote in this election.  No doubt they did have an impact.  But, what lost the election for Romney is that the core that he thought would win for him, blue collar workers and evangelicals, stayed home for the most part.  That is inexplicable to me.  I know people did not trust Romney.  But, he is a helluva lot better than the empty suit we have in office now.  Hispanics and African-Americans swarmed the Democratic ticket due to the "goodies" that they have been promised by the Democratic Party.  Let the Democratic Party continue to prostitute itself to voting blocs. They do this with promises of "goodies." Eventually, this will come back to bite them on the ass.

Regardless of what the Democrats do, we have to stand up for the rule of law in regard to reckless illegal immigration. We sink or swim by standing by our principles. Do we compromise everything we stand for in order to accommodate a group? When does it end? What if Hispanics, after receiving amnesty, suddenly decide they should be exempt from paying taxes for X number of years? What if Blacks decide they want reparations? Where does it end? It would never end. This is why I say the Democrats are on a slippery slope. We don't need to join them. If we can't stand on the rule of law, what do we stand for? Not much. We're Democrats-lite. If the Republican Party wants to lose the conservative base, just continue the hysterics over Hispanics. While we do have a problem getting our message across to Hispanics. the Democrats are having a problem getting that across to the largest sector of the electorate; whites. They garnered less than 40% this time. Think what they will do to them in the mid-term election.

As Rush Limbaugh said, "In a nation of children, Santa Claus wins."  That is what we saw on November 6th.  The Democratic Party's voting blocs delivered for them because they will get gifts for being good boys and girls.   This is what is so disheartening to me.  Our electorate is now voting based on what the government will do for them.  The government will give Hispanics amnesty.  The government will continue to give Blacks food stamps and welfare, thereby continuing generational poverty.  This nation is on the verge of economic collapse and all we are concerned about is what can Uncle Sam do for us.  Santa Claus must be proud of all the good boys and girls with their hands out.  We are not the nation of which President John F. Kennedy spoke when he said, "Ask not what your country can do for you, ask what you can do for your country."  We are the children on Christmas Day opening our gifts to see what Uncle Sam has for us.
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