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Saturday, June 30, 2012

Justice Roberts Caves in to Obama

It's not really news now. But, as it stands at this moment, Obamacare is officially considered constitutional by the SCOTUS. There was simply no way I could see the individual mandate standing as constitutional. All the arguments the Leftists have made were made moot when the SCOTUS declared that the mandate did not apply to the Commerce Clause of which Obamacare hinged on for the past three years. Instead, the SCOTUS declared that the mandate of Obamacare was a tax levied upon the citizens of this nation. That was declared constitutional, apparently. It appears the federal government can levy any type of tax they wish with this ruling. Of course the Obama Zombies are quickly saying this is not a tax, but a fine. Sure, but that flies directly into the face of the SCOTUS ruling on the Commerce Clause. The Leftists want it both ways. They want to say the fine is constitutional although that wasn't the ruling handed down by the SCOTUS.

It's really a sad day for freedom in this nation. The Leftists are rejoicing in this government overreach of its power. You have to look over their mindless babbling on anything. The more Socialism they can get, the better they like it. None of this would have took place without President Obama (and Leftists in general) bullying Justice John Roberts on this issue as well as the corporate campaign issue in his state of the nation address a couple of years back. There is great disgust among conservatives with Chief Justice Roberts. It appears Chief Justice Roberts changed his mind at the last moment according to some reports. Regardless, the fight over Obamacare will continue. States are saying they will not implement Obamacare. Lawsuits will continue to be filed. Of course, the final say will come to the voters in November of this year.

Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Obama vs Putin

It appears that Russian president Putin and King Obama are not seeing eye to eye on the Syrian situation.  CBS news reported that both men would barely look at each other after their private talks.  They both later met with the Press Corp.  Judging from the way they sat facing away from each other, it was not a couple of happy campers.  Obama is wanting Russian cooperation with Syria.  Russia is helping Syria with warships, tanks and "military advisers."  It was also reported that the Russian President gave Obama a "lecture" about other situations around the world with which he and Obama are in deep disagreement.  It wasn't that long ago that Obama conveyed to a Putin subordinate that he would appreciate if the Russian President would wait until after the election when he (Obama) would have more "flexibility" to deal with matters of mutual concern.  Apparently, President Putin decided he would throw his weight around the amateurish U.S. President.

The thing that caught my eye was President Putin "lecturing" a U.S. President.  I can't remember the last time that happened.  Yes, I'm sure it has.  But, taking into consideration this is the President who makes unprecedented "bows" to foreign leaders, nothing should surprise me about this U.S. President.  Obama is viewed as a weak President.  Well, except by the legion of doom aka as Obama Zombies.  Obama is weak about everything except helping illegal aliens, forcing legislation down the throats of Americans and spending trillions of dollars we don't have.  I hate the idea of having Obama facing down the likes of Putin.  There is no doubt in my mind Obama will cave in to Putin when push comes to shove.

Saturday, June 16, 2012

First Anti-American President

What more can you say about President Barack Obama?  He shows no inclination to work the legislative process, bypassing Congress on numerous occasions.  He has little regard for the U.S. Constitution.  He proved that yesterday by approving a DREAM Act that goes further than anything Congress had ever planned.  Obama said that he will stop deporting illegals children who came to this country with their illegal parents.  That is basically all you need to know, along with the fact this means immediate amnesty for a million illegals which will transcend itself into about 3 million with aunts, uncles, sister, brother, etc.  These "children," who are eligible up to age 30, can also work here legally.  This puts even more pressure on the 13-15 million unemployed Americans who cannot find work anywhere.

This proves, beyond a shadow of a doubt, President Obama has no regard for the plight of this country.  Instead, the only job President Obama is focused on is saving his own job.  What President Obama has done today is reward illegal behavior by adults who knew they were breaking the law by entering this country illegally.  If nothing else, they should be immediately arrested.  What this will do is further antagonize Americans who are tired of the sucking sound coming from social services such as social security, food stamps and unemployment.  This amnesty is nothing more than an election year ploy for votes from Hispanics (who are being pandered to, but apparently don't care).

President Obama (as the title indicates) is truly the first anti-American President in the 236 years of this nation.  He has shown his contempt for anything American (American exceptionalism is quaint).  I suspect Republicans will whine and cry about this latest atrocity by Obama.  But, they will do nothing to try and stop him.  This is just the beginning for Obama.  He wants to unilaterally give amnesty to the 15-20 million illegal aliens in this country.  Obama knows what he is doing is unconstitutional.  He stated not long ago he needs help from Congress to pass the Dream Act Amnesty.  But, Obama is concerned with only one thing now; getting reelected so he can finish the job of destroying this country.  He thinks this will endear him to Hispanics.  He is probably right.  But, this only embitters people more with illegals who are destroying this country.  Obama's action Friday just finished the job that illegals have started.  Congratulations to our beloved President.  RIP USA   Born July 4, 1776  -  Died June 15, 2012.

Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Jeb Bush RINO

We have not heard much from the irrelevant Jeb Bush lately.  Whenever he feels he is not part of the conversation nationally, he has to stir the masses.  This is especially true toward those on the Right.  Jeb stated Monday that the "...GOP is shifting beyond Reagan and the elder George Bush."   Let's see...where have I heard that before?  Oh, now I remember.  It was from the DEMOCRATS who like to use that famous phrase.  This is particularly true of one Barack Obama.  Jeb Bush went on to say, "...having an orthodoxy that doesn’t allow for disagreement"  There is simply no other way to state it; that is a bald-face lie.  The mere fact that a moderate (Mitt Romney) is the Republican nominee flies into the face of such an assertion by the former governor of Florida.  Mitt Romney did have a tough time getting the nomination from more conservative nominees.  But, that is what the nomination process is all about.  The best man for the nomination usually wins.  That certainly wasn't the case in 2008 when a weak John McCain won the nomination.  Which brings me back to my point.  Moderates do have a voice in the Republican Party.  In my opinion, they have too much of a voice. But, to say the Republican Party would not accommodate Ronald Reagan is disingenuous.

Ronald Reagan would have embraced the fiscal conservatism of the Tea Party, which is where Jeb Bush was directing his criticism.  Ronald Reagan was all about making government smaller and less taxation.  Ronald Reagan was all about more freedoms for people and less regulations for businesses.  To say Ronald Reagan would not be welcomed into the Republican Party of today is ridiculous.  This is something the Democrats have tried to gain traction with this year.  They do so in an attempt to gain traction with their claim that the Republican Party is made up of extremists.  To hear this from a so-called Republican voice in Jeb Bush only reinforces his credentials as a RINO (Republican In Name Only).  What Jeb Bush should be doing is questioning if John F. Kennedy would be welcomed in the Democratic Party of today that is ruled with an iron fist by Progresssives.  If Obama strays from the Left to the Center, hell breaks loose with threats from Unions to the far Left Progressives of the party.  Little is said how Blue Dog Democrats (moderate Democrats) have all but become extinct.  I'm not sure they even have enough left to caucus. There is a definite double standard here from the MSM and, yes, from "Republicans" like Jeb Bush. 

Finally, it would be much easier to prove that moderates such as Jeb Bush have left the principles of the Republican Party  of small government, less taxation and cuts in spending.  George W. Bush was a case in point.  He was wildly spending tax dollars in his final term.  We do not need more of the Bush family in the White House.  The current occupant is destroying our children's future quite well without help from Republicans. 

Saturday, June 9, 2012

Lessons Learned from Wisconsin Recall

This past Tuesday's Wisconsin Recall taught a number of lessons to Unions and to taxpayers as well.  It taught the unions to never pick a fight if you are not 100% sure you can win.  It taught taxpayers to never be intimidated by big labor unions.  It taught me that there is still hope for this country.  Financial accountability is not a thing of the past.  Out of control spending will cease to exist if the current occupant in the Oval Office vacates the premises on January 20, 2013.  Regardless of who is the President on that date, the spending spree, by both Democrats and Republicans, will come to an end.  This country cannot sustain the kind of debt it now has for much longer.  At some point, we will reach a tipping point of which we will be hard pressed to recover.  Both parties share responsibility for this debt.  It just appears the Democrats do not care about the debt being passed on to our children and grandchildren.  When you have a Bob Beckel saying "....there's nothing wrong with the debt.  We print our own money," then you have to acknowledge there are people on the Left who are out of touch with reality.  The same can be said of some on the Right and, of course, the big labor unions who refused to pay more of their medical costs in Wisconsin.  Some unionists will say, of course, that is not the reason for the recall. They will say it was all about collective bargaining rights. Whatever.

Some of the lessons I learned from the Wisconsin Recall Election is that even in a truly blue state, there are people with a conscience.  These people realized that it is not fair for public sector employees to pay far less (medical costs and pension) than their private sector employee counterparts.  I also learned that the Democrats are eating a lot of crow today. Democrats and unions alike said this was going to be a big election for "the middle class" of America.  We were told it would be a harbinger of things to come for the Presidential Election in November.  Of course, they would still be saying those things if they had won.  Governor Scott Walker won by a bigger spread than he did the first time he won. But, all those things they said are true.  Just not for the reasons the Leftists had hoped.  I had hoped the 2010 mid-term elections would have been a wake-up call for President Obama.  It did not deter him on his Leftist agenda.   It is far too much to hope he can change this late in the game.  The Wisconsin Recall was a stake in the heart of a big spending congress and President.  Will they listen to the voters this November?  We'll see.

Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Clinton Undermining Obama

There are a lot of things you can say about former President Bill Clinton.  You can call him a sex hound, sexual deviant, a philanderer, the luckiest President who ever lived and a number of other names that are not flattering.  One thing you can't say about him is that he is not the consummate politician.  Unlike President Obama, when Bill Clinton lost the House to Republicans, he came to the center to save his Presidency.  He was smart enough to realize that the USA is a center-right, voting majority.  Obama never took the hint from the vote of 2010.  He is paying for it now.  But, what President Obama didn't expect is for Clinton to undermine him the way he did recently on the Piers Morgan show on CNN.  Clinton stated, "Mitt Romney had a “sterling” record while running Bain Capital."  This is totally the opposite message the Obama campaign is trying to use against Mitt Romney, the businessman.  Obama is vulnerable to attacks about his ability as a businessman.  He has no record of creating jobs prior to coming to the White House where he has created "green jobs" with taxpayer money.  Solyndra is a "sterling" example of how that initiative has failed.

There is no secret that Bill Clinton has no love for President Obama.  In fact, according to former Clinton adviser Dick Morris, Clinton does not want Obama to win.  Morris states that Bill Clinton said "You have six months to save the country."  It is no secret Bill Clinton considers the inexperienced Obama as an amateur.  That thought process made the rounds long before the end of the Democratic Primaries for President ended in 2008.  Apparently, Bill Clinton still feels that way.  You have to believe the Obama campaign is outraged by the comments from Bill Clinton who supported Mitt Romney's record as a businessman at Bain Capital.  Romney's strength is as a businessman.  That fact strikes fear in the hearts of the Obama Zombies at Obama Campaign Headquarters.  So, what to do?  You attack Romney's strength and hope something sticks.  It's not working.  Many Democrats are turning against the strategy of demonizing Bain Capital.  There is a good reason for that.  Many Democrats are investors with Bain Capital.  In any case, the longer the Obama campaign sticks to this fruitless strategy of attacking Romney over Bain Capital, the stronger Romney appears to get.  Thanks, in no small part, to a number of Democrats like Bill Clinton.

Saturday, June 2, 2012

Obama: A License to KIll?

The New York Times reported this week of a top secret "kill list" of which President Obama is the judge, jury and executioner.  According to the article, Obama signs off on every drone kill in Yeman, Somalia and Pakistan, a country that hates us right now.  In this list, there are a few people who are considered Americans.  As such, they are afforded "due process" under the law.  However, President Obama is ignoring this basic precept of U.S. law.  "Senator Obama" heavily criticized President George W. Bush for allowing "water boarding" to be utilized as a torture method to gain important information from captured terrorists.  The liberal media (including the New York Times) joined in with swift and unrelenting condemnation of President Bush.  Even with this report on the "kill list," most major newspapers have not criticized President Obama.  So, apparently, killing terrorists is considered moral and the right thing to do now.  But, torturing them with water boarding?  Oh, God forbid!  Can everyone see how hypocritical the liberals are now?  Can everyone see what a double-standard they have?  How can anyone have credibility if they cannot condemn Obama for his unilateral action on this purported "kill list?" 

President Obama does not have the experience or training to make the call on who to kill in this manner.  Sure, he gets advice from top military officials.  But, he is the one who makes the ultimate call.  Obama can and does overrule the military on selective targets.  Obama did not learn, during his time as a community organizer, which targets provided a target rich environment.  President Obama takes credit whenever highly ranked Taliban or al qaeda officials are taken out by drone attack.  However, I notice he shies away from the drone attack whenever innocent civilians are killed.  That is typical Obama.  Take all the credit, shrug off the mistakes as the fault of someone else.  It was reported, last month, if the military failed to take out Osama bin Laden last year, he was going to blame the military.   What a great leader we have.  With Harry Truman, the buck stops here.  With Barack Obama, the buck stops somewhere else, but not here. 
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