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Wednesday, May 15, 2013

The New Enemies List

I'm sure Presidents have had worse seven-day stretches than President Obama has had over the past week.  Richard Nixon had scandals breaking out everywhere during the latter days of his administration.  Even President Reagan had tough times during Iran-Contra.  But, I can't remember a president having so many scandals break out as quickly as Obama.  Last Wednesday, we saw the hearings on Benghazi take place.  At the very least, it made the Obama Administration appear incompetent and indifferent.  At worst, they appear criminally negligent.  No one could explain why U.S. troops were not sent in to rescue those embassy personnel during the eight hour attack.  Then, just to sweeten the weekend, word got out the IRS was targeting conservative groups such as the Tea Party. The Tea Party groups had long complained about being targeted by the IRS.  But, that complaint fell on deaf ears.  Even Jewish Groups were targeted.  An anchor reporter for a TV network was targeted after a tough interview with President Obama.  This week, we discovered that the Department of Justice tracked 20 phone lines and two months of phone records from the Associated Press.  Take any one of these scandals and it is an abomination by itself.  The totality of all three makes it appear we have a government engaging in Totalitarianism. 

This is coming from the "most transparent administration in history," mind you.  Richard Nixon was paranoid.  He thought all his enemies were out to get him.  It led to his downfall as President of the United States.   President Obama, since his first inauguration, has shown little interest in dialogue with his conservative opponents.  The Obamacare debate when he had a televised discussion with Republicans in January of 2010 gave you an idea of how aloof this president truly is as a person.  Obama is as insecure and paranoid as Nixon was during his time as President.  Both men had an affinity to use government agencies to go after their enemies.  Does anyone really believe the IRS just suddenly, on their own, decide to go after conservative political groups?  Doesn't it make sense someone or some group at a much higher level in the Obama administration made the call?  It's apparent, at least to me, that President Obama has an enemies list just as President Nixon had at one time.  Obama has always been thin-skinned, unable to accept criticism very well.  This very well could be his undoing.  Do I think Obama will resign?  He would never do that.  President Obama is a self-serving narcissist.  He doesn't care about anyone but himself.  I doubt he will be impeached because the Speaker of the House doesn't have the balls to take on this kind of proceeding.  But, as these scandals continue to unfold, I do think it could seriously hurt Obama.  His second term agenda is in deep trouble now. 


  1. why don't you update the site more often?

    1. anon, a couple of reasons why I don't update more often. I have two other blogs and I have not been in the best of health for the past year. But, I appreciate your inquiry.


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