xxHNX2LGN_mi1k5pYPzJTmyCdBk Rand Paul Now Endorses Amnesty for Illegals | The Right Commentary<script src='//www.reddit.com/buttonlite.js?i=1' type='text/javascript'></script>

Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Rand Paul Now Endorses Amnesty for Illegals

In another case of the chicken littles, of the Republican Party panicking, Rand Paul of Texas is now supporting  a path to citizenship for illegal aliens.  Rep. Rand Paul follows in the footsteps of Senator Marco Rubio who also now supports amnesty for illegals.  Rand Paul stated in his speech yesterday, "If you wish to live and work in America, then we will find a place for you."  There was no word in Rep. Paul's speech about finding work for the estimated 20-23 million unemployed American citizens.  Apparently, there is no place for the American people who are desperately seeking work.  Now, providing "work" and a "place" for illegals is of utmost importance to both Republicans and Democrats.  You don't hear talk about jobs for the chronically unemployed of America any longer.  Some might say it is due to our "recovering economy" that is about to see its third summer victory tour by President Obama at some point.  I wish Senator Rubio, Rep. Paul and Governor Jindal would go on this "victory tour" with President Obama this summer.  I  hope they would look into the faces of the millions of unemployed AMERICANS who have given up hope in their desire for "work" and a "place" in society.  Somehow, I doubt they will even care.

I must say I am supremely disappointed in U.S. Rep. Rand Paul.  I agree with him a lot more on issues than not.  But, like Ann Coulter, I am now a single issue voter for the next four years at least.  We already have immigration laws on the books that the federal government has largely ignored for at least two decades.  Now, we are supposed to believe the career politicians when they say this time we will take border enforcement seriously and this will be the "last amnesty?"  I don't believe them, I don't trust them.  Therefore, I am totally against any form of amnesty for illegal aliens.  I am greatly disappointed in the GOP.  They were the last hope to stop amnesty.  It now appears, strictly for their own political expediency, they are deserting their base on this issue.  Democrats have never cared for the rule of law.  I had thought the GOP was different.  I was wrong.  I am finished with them as well as Rand Paul whom I was strongly considering supporting for the Republican nomination for President. Not any longer.

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