xxHNX2LGN_mi1k5pYPzJTmyCdBk Saturday Night Debate - Gingrich vs Romney | The Right Commentary<script src='//www.reddit.com/buttonlite.js?i=1' type='text/javascript'></script>

Saturday, December 10, 2011

Saturday Night Debate - Gingrich vs Romney

The exhibition games are over.  Now, the real debates begin. There is just a month to go before the Republican Primary season begins in Iowa. There have been so many Republican Presidential debates until I can't keep count of them.  But, tonight, the Iowa debate at Drake University in Iowa, is the first real debate between Romney and Gingrich since Newt became the front runner. Of course, the other Republican candidates will be there along with Ron Paul and Rick Perry.  But, this debate will probably focus on Gingrich and Romney.  The rise of Gingrich has been nothing short of amazing since he was in single digits just a month ago.  But, now, Gingrich has a double digit lead over Mitt Romney.  Romney just doesn't seem able to forge ahead of the 25% of support that has held steady since the first debate early this year. Newt Gingrich seems to be surging.  But, now, Mitt Romney will take the kid gloves off and go after Gingrich with all that baggage he carries into the Primary season.

Of course, Gingrich surging to the forefront is good news for the Obama campaign.  Newt Gingrich is their nominee of choice.  They really don't want to face the moderate Mitt Romney even with the albatross of Romneycare that Mr. Romney carries.  Gingrich will certainly go after Romney on that issue tonight.  In turn, Romney will go after Gingrich on his support of the individual mandate for national healthcare.  Both candidates have baggage.  It just appears that Newt Gingrich has more than Romney.  This will be the most interesting debate so far.  It will eclipse the bitter backbiting between Perry and Romney of the past couple of months.  Gingrich has tried to stay "above it all" during the more nasty mudslinging of prior debates.  I am willing to wager he won't be able to do it tonight.

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