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Saturday, September 17, 2011

Hillary Clinton Running for President in 2012?

There is something I have to say now.  It is something I never, ever thought I would say.  I wish Hillary Clinton was President.  Yes, as much as I have dissed her over the years, as much as I have called her a European style Socialist, I would vastly prefer Hillary Clinton as president far more than I ever would Barack Obama.  President Obama has proven time after time he is in over his head.  His disastrous Middle East policy, his policy of isolating our friends and placating our enemies, his fruitless and wildly unsuccessful economic policy has made me wax longingly at a Hillary Clinton Administration.  But, then I always wake up.  Hillary, while she would be more successful than Obama ever thought about, is in the same mode of believing big government is the cure-all for all of the ills of society.  The only difference, that I can see, between her and Obama is that Hillary would be slightly more competent as president.  The reason I bring this up, many people who voted for Obama over Hillary are suffering from buyer's remorse today.  No one, not even the Democrats, are buying into Obama's latest jobs plan.  At what point do you stop and realize that simply throwing money at a problem will not solve it?  None of the Democrats will ever admit to that.  Certainly not Obama and certainly not Hillary Clinton.

Of course, there is a lot of speculation that Hillary Clinton will resign as Secretary of State and run for President in 2012.   That would be the biggest shocker in U.S. politics since Truman beat Dewey. President Obama is a deeply unpopular president.  It has nothing to do with race despite his supporters trying to make it all about race.  It is about a man who seemingly always gets in his own way in his attempt to run this country.  Hillary Clinton, if she did choose to run, would absolutely divide the Democratic Party.  A divided Democratic Party would almost surely mean a Republican win in November of 2012.  While I believe Hillary Clinton has never given up her designs on the Oval Office (despite her protestations to the contrary), she abhors the idea of helping Republicans win the presidential nomination.  Still, the specter of a Hillary Clinton run for the 2012 Democratic nomination should not be swept aside.  Even feminists, who have long supported Obama, are wistfully hoping Hillary will run.  This should give some idea of just how unhappy the Democratic Socialists are today.

I do believe President Obama is in deep trouble for the 2012 Presidential election.  I do believe he is capable of pulling the proverbial rabbit out of the hat between now and November 2012.  I learned a long time ago to never underestimate liberals when it comes to something they really want (such as Obamacare for example).  Liberals will pull out every underhanded trick, legal or illegal, to get what they want.  The ends justifies the means with these people.  President Obama desperately wants to be reelected. He's going to do everything possible to see this happen.  But, a Hillary Clinton run for the Democratic Party's nomination would most assuredly end his chances of reelection.  For that reason alone, I see a run by Hillary Clinton for President in 2012, as just wishful thinking by disgruntled liberals. 


  1. I wish she would have won instead of Obama. He's been a terrible disappointment. I always thought Jimmy Carter was the worst president in my lifetime, but I was wrong. Obama took that slot hands down.

    Have a terrific day. :)

  2. Sandee, first, let me congratulate you on being the very first person to comment on my new political blog!

    Yeah, I wish Hillary would have won over Obama. I never dreamed I would have said that. But, Hillary would have been a much different and most likely, better president than Obama. Thanks for your comment!


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