Wednesday, November 27, 2013
Obamacare Follies - Part II
News Item: Almost 80 million with employer healthcare plans could be canceled.
Heretofore, it had been individual health insurance plans that were susceptible to the tentacles of Obamacare. As many as 5 million have lost their individual health insurance plans since Obamacare was rolled out. But, now, employer and group health insurance plans are in the cross-hairs of Obamacare. Stan Veuger of the American Enterprise Institute said that in addition to the individual cancellations, "at least half the people on employer plans would by 2014 start losing plans as well."
Wednesday, November 20, 2013
Paul Ryan Possible Presidential Run 2016

As if the Republican field for the Republican Presidential run isn't already crowded, Congressman Paul Ryan from Wisconsin is hinting at a possible run in 2016. The former 2012 Republican VP candidate, told the Des Moines Register in a telephone interview on Monday that “I’m going to give a hard look at it.” in regard to the 2016 Presidential campaign.
Wednesday, November 13, 2013
Obamacare Follies - Part I

Another week, another hilarious direction of failure for the Obama lovechild, Obamacare. There is so much news about the failure(s) of Obamacare until I am almost immune to any bad news about this monstrosity. "Almost" is the keyword here. The failure of the website is a story of and in itself. (I won't even go over the millions of individual healthcare policies cancelled or outright Obama lies on keeping your health plan) How can anyone, even the federal government, not be able to have a working website after you've had over three years to get it ready? A kid in high school, with just a modicum of website design ability, should be able to at least get a working website up and running.
Wednesday, November 6, 2013
Obamacare Victim - Edie Sundby

The howling and outcry over the outright lies of President Obama are just starting. He stated many, many times "If you like your plan, you can keep it" in regard to Obamacare. The first time he said this I thought, "How the hell is he going to pay for Obamacare if everyone doesn't opt in?" The fact of the matter is that the Obama Administration KNEW that people would get millions upon millions of cancellation notices on their individual polices of medical insurance. They knew it!!! They knew people would get cancellation letters, higher premiums and less choice. Obviously, Obama and his cronies did not care. At all.
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