Wednesday, May 30, 2012
U.S. Bishops: Enact Civil Disobedience
There are now 43 Catholic plaintiffs that have filed lawsuits against the Obama Administration. This also includes the University of Notre Dame. The Catholic groups have filed suit for what they see as a threat to religious freedom. The issue causing the rancor is Obamacare, of course. Specifically, the sterilization-contraception-abortifacient mandate in Obamacare is at issue here. This is due to go into effect on August 1. The Obama Administration "tweaked" the law so that Catholic groups would not be forced to provide contraceptives on demand. Instead, the Obama Administration has stated that the cost would be passed onto the insurance carrier of each respective group. However, President Obama has thrown down the gauntlet by stating, at a speech in Cleveland on Monday afternoon, the contraceptive issue would go forward regardless of the lawsuits. Catholic bishops are now calling for Catholics to ready themselves for "civil disobedience." President Obama can witness massive demonstration not seen since the Civil Rights movement of the 1960s. The main issue with the Catholic church seems to be that Catholics would be forced to act against their consciences and the teachings of their church.
Personally, I think the sight of Catholic bishops being arrested while demonstrating, due to an infringement upon religious freedom, could be a "Waterloo" moment for President Obama. Obama is remaining steadfast to his left-wing agenda, regardless of the consequences. Catholics comprise about 22% or over 75 million of the U.S. population. Think about that for a moment. Suppose only 10% disagree with Obama on the contraceptive issue. That is 7.5 million that Obama has kissed goodbye (probably less since not all are all voting age) in the Presidential election. This kind of fight is not something a President with the baggage (stagnant economy, 5 trillion added to debt, continued high unemployment, scandals such as Solyndra) Obama has simply doesn't make any sense.
Mitt Romney is proving he will be a much tougher opponent than anyone in the Obama campaign had thought. So, why pick a fight with such a tough opponent as the Catholic church? Obama is being pushed by the radical agenda of the Progressives in the Democratic Party. They will not relent in their desire for an all-powerful federal government that controls everything and everyone. President Obama had an opportunity to walk back this issue with the Catholic church earlier this year. But, passing on the cost to the insurance company did not fool anyone, especially the Catholic groups who have filed suit. You just have to believe the Republican Party are as dumbfounded by Obama's actions as anyone. I imagine the Republicans are quietly gleeful about this strange move by the Obama Administration also. You can call it an early "Christmas gift" to the Republicans.
Saturday, May 26, 2012
Foreign Students Given Summer Jobs
Last week saw thousands of foreign students coming to America to work summer jobs. This is the so-called "work-travel program" which stirred a bit of controversy last year when some foreign students went on strike over working conditions and long hours. Now, the State Department is on record as stating these foreign students will not displace American students this summer because "....seasonal occupations that are not likely to displace U.S. workers." The key words there are not likely. In other words. there are no guarantees in place to ensure these foreign workers will not displace American teens looking for jobs this summer. This program will bring in about 100,000 foreign students to do summer jobs that ordinarily could go to American teens. In fact, according to this Washington Post article, there are approximately 50 million unemployed Americans of the traditional working age. That is simply astounding when you consider this is a nation of about 300 million people.
In California, 36% of teens are unemployed this summer. In Washington D.C., where our beloved President resides (until January 2013 anyway), the unemployment rate for teens is over 50%!!! If you want to talk about the crime rate being so high in D.C., first start with that startling number of unemployed youth in our nation's capital. Nationally, the teen unemployment rate is 25% and has been above 20% for 40 consecutive months. Even if you are a recent college grad, your prospects are not good. You can thank Congress for that. The Startup Act 2.0 would allow up to 50,000 foreign students who graduate with advanced degrees in STEM to compete directly with American students for jobs and earn a green card if they find a job and stay employed for a certain period of time. It's mind boggling to say the least. So many unemployed teens, college grads and we are allowing 100,000 foreign teens to take jobs traditionally meant for American teens with an unemployment rate of 25%? Bring in 50,000 foreign students to compete in the dwindling job pool with American college grads desperately searching for a job, any job about now? What's wrong with this picture? What happened to America first? Under President Obama, it is America last, America do what we say, America accept your food stamps and shut up. "We'll take care of you."
I know a lot of this nation's youth voted for Obama in the 2008 election. Chances are the same thing will happen again. If you are in that 21-35 age bracket and vote for Obama again, blame yourself when you have to move back home into your parents basement. Blame yourself because you can't find a job due to a foreign student taking it from you. You want four more years of a stagnant economy and high unemployment? Then, by all means, vote for The Messiah. Just take your food stamps and shut up.
Wednesday, May 23, 2012
Obama Zombies
This is a post that I thought about making for a long time. I guess now is as good a time as any. As you will note, my last post was "Obama: Born in Kenya." That was intentionally meant to be provocative. It served it's purpose. It brought out the"Obama Zombies." Boy, did it ever bring them out! Out of fourteen comments (I leave comments in moderation for good reason), I could only leave one up. Even that one comment was your typical left-wing hysteria. It was mild by comparison. In two comments, I had my life threatened. That's right. As I have said many times, the Left has a long history of violence (OWS is just the latest example). They demonstrated it here last Saturday and on to Sunday night. So, it appears unless your speech is aligned with the leftists of the Obama Zombie Movement, then you are not entitled to free speech. In that post (linked above), I never ONCE said *I* believe President Obama is a Kenyan. Not once. But, what I did do was present some questions I found troubling. It still seems a bit too convenient to me to allow a bio to be incorrect, about your place of birth, until you are preparing to run for President of the United States. I even stated, as I have in the past, I hope it is all much ado about nothing. But, that didn't satisfy the Obama Zombies.
You can not make any sort of criticism, of this president, without the Obama Zombies foaming at the mouth, calling you racist, a birther, moron, idiot and an assortment of names not meant for polite company. It took me a long time to figure out why the Obama Zombies are so sensitive about their fearless leader. It's not because President Obama is thin-skinned (which he is well known to be) hmself. It is because President Obama represents their last gasp of having, in their view, a "Socialist, Utopian society" which will take care of them from cradle to grave. This is their fervent wish that big government rules every aspect of their lives, and take care of all their thinking which their itsy bitsy brains can't do. President Obama represents a hero they want to see end that evil Capitalist society where people move up in the world based on what they put into their work through blood, sweat and tears. Like the OWS scum, if you have something that you earned on your own, you are evil. If you are rich, you are the devil incarnate. Never mind if you did it all on your own. You are evil because you have more than those who won't work for it.
The greatest despots in the world rise up when the people do not question or offer dissent of their actions. There are so many examples, especially in the 20th century. Now, I am not putting President Obama on the same level of some of those despicable people. In fact, it is not President Obama that I fear most. It is the zombie-like devotion his "followers" have toward him. These people are willing to do anything to ensure their Master is not portrayed in any light other than that which is good and wholesome. In short, Obama Zombies have no problem with being ruled by President Obama and an all-powerful federal government. This is their orgasmic dream. The Obama Zombies want to be ruled with a federal iron fist so they don't have to do anything on their own. If you think about it, there isn't much difference between Obama zombies and the mindless zombies we see on TV. The ony difference is that the TV zombies don't need a leader.
Saturday, May 19, 2012
Obama: Born in Kenya has reported a bio for a book President Obama had published in 1991, states he was born in Kenya. Obama's former literary agency "misidentified" his birthplace as Kenya while trying to promote the then-Harvard Law grad as an author in 1991. The literary agency, Acton & Dystel, clearly states, "Obama was born in Kenya and raised in Indonesia and Hawaii." Miriam Goderich, who edited the bio, states, " was a fact checking error by me." Here is the controversial text; "Barack Obama, the first African-American president of the Harvard Law Review, was born in Kenya and raised in Indonesia and Hawaii. The son of an American anthropologist and a Kenyan finance minister, he attended Columbia University and worked as a financial journalist and editor for Business International Corporation..." The White House did not respond to requests for comment. I'm sure this all sounds familiar. It is those blasted birthers acting up again. is just a right-wing site dredging up more trash on the President. Those are the left-wing talking points.
Of course, if the mainstream media had done its job by vetting Obama, none of this birther "nonsense" would have taken place. No one questioned his academic standing, his grades, his birth in the USA. The MSM can bring up an event that took place 50 years ago with Mitt Romney. But, they can't find it in their heart to find out if the Democratic nominee, in 2008, was truly an American citizen? What's wrong with this picture? Of course, the left-wing supporters, such as Salon, have come out aggressively against this latest threat against their Savior. It is the typical left-wing hysteria that does not even attempt to address this subject. This is why Obama is continually dogged by this birther controversy. No one wants to put it to rest. Here's the thing...once a literary agent has a final manuscript, it is given to the author for any correction he wants to make. The FIRST thing an author checks is the bio. That bio will follow him wherever he goes or whatever other book he writes. How did Obama miss that part where it said he was born in Kenya? But, let's say he missed it inadvertently. Once the book is published, surely Obama checks out his own book, right? Why didn't he move for the publisher to make the correction? Why did it take from 1991 to 2007 BEFORE the correction was made? In 2007, Senator Obama of Illinois made the decision to run for President. Only then was the correction made. Don't you find that just slightly convenient? Do you see why no one can find this man believable?
Now, this may be all much ado about nothing. Let's hope so. The constitutional war that would ensue of having an illegitimate President in office would be of enormous and historical precedent. The ramifications would go on for decades. Everything President Obama has done in office would be declared null and void. The left-wing fire breathers, such as Salon, will just attack those who have brought up this latest bit of information on the President. It is time to put this to rest once and for all. Burying your head in the sand is not going to make it go away.
Wednesday, May 16, 2012
Obama Reelection In Trouble?
It appears that President Obama may not have as easy a road to reelection as many had thought. The thinking was that Republican Mitt Romney would be the candidate the Obama campaign did not want to run against. But, Democrats still thought Obama would breeze to reelection in 2012. Recent polling shows President Obama was running ten points behind Mitt Romney with independent voters. That is a crucial voting bloc as liberal and conservative lines are entrenched. Another bloc of voters thought to be in line with President Obama were women. The so-called Democrat inspired "War on Women" fizzled out with Americans understanding that the entire episode began and ended with liberal activist Susan Fluke. She was found not to be credible when it was discovered she was and is a liberal operative of the Democratic Party. President Obama's latest political maneuver of supporting Gay Marriage has not produced the results he had hoped. Many African-Americans are steadfastly against Gay Marriage. I'm not saying Obama will lose a large percentage of the black vote. But, it did not help him as he had once hoped.
The Obama campaign can claim these polls are all "biased" as they claim the New York Times poll is purported to be. That is a shocking statement about a newspaper that many conservatives consider to be on par with Pravda of the old Soviet Union. The NY Times has always had a liberal vein and always will. But, when the NY Times claims that Romney has suddenly caught and passed Obama with women, then that does get your attention. The "War on Women" Hail Mary backfired on the Obama campaign in a big way. There's a long way to go in this election year, of course. But, for people who thought President Obama was a slam dunk for reelection had best reevaluate their opinion. Your horse is in trouble.
Saturday, May 12, 2012
Obama Gay Marriage Position
Well, it appears the "decisive" and "bold" President has changed his "evolving" position on gay marriage. President Obama came out on Wednesday to give his personal support for gay marriage. The President of the United States, for the first time in history, supports marriage between two women and two men. That is unprecedented. But, coming from this President, nothing should be surprising these days. Of course, Obama didn't have much choice but to come out and support gay marriage. His vice-president, Joe Biden, forced his hand on this issue. Joe Biden, well known for putting his foot in his mouth, came out on one of the Sunday press shows to express his unequivocal support of gay marriage. At that moment, Obama had an issue he had to address and address quickly. Now, Senator Barack Obama was against gay marriage. He was against gay marriage before he was for it. In other words, this man shifts the way the polling numbers flow. In the end, that will cost him. The black and hispanic vote, which is going to be his life blood in this election, will potentially turn away from him. He knew this before making his position in support of gay marriage. He still made this risky support position knowing full well what it could cost him. Obama may have just given the Republican Party an unexpected gift.
The odd thing about this, Obama has said gay marriage will not be a plank in the Democratic Convention. He is still trying to have his cake and eat it too. He wants to please everyone. He is now pleasing very few. Even a number of gays are pissed at him for his half-hearted attempt to support gay marriage. Obama has even said gay marriage is a "state issue." Yet, illegal immigration reform is NOT a state issue. Obama and his henchmen are suing a number of states over illegal immigration. The dictator in chief decides what is a state issue and not a state issue. He has now opened up a can of worms with lawsuits over gay marriage in states that have approved gay marriage. Expect all kinds of lawsuits now in those states. Also, expect states that have been sued over illegal immigration reform to ask in court why is their case different. Obama just stubbed his toe and doesn't realize it. How soon before President Obama's gay marriage position "evolves" again to state gay marriage is now a federal issue rather than state issue? Stay tuned.
Wednesday, May 9, 2012
Jon Stewart: A Cowardly Liberal
Back in April, Jon Stewart of the Daily Show, did a skit of a picture of a Christian manger scene placed between a nude woman’s spread legs. Stewart and the liberals in the audience got a great laugh out of it. This skit brought immediate condemnation from Christians from all over the nation. Many were calling for an apology from Jon Stewart (fat chance of that ever happening). Christians were so outraged, they started a boycott of Stewart's commercial sponsors (two can play that game, libs). Some of the sponsors of the Daily Show are Kraft Foods, SUBWAY, Mars, Inc., The Hershey Company, The Wrigley Company, Paramount Farms, Anheuser-Busch, InBev, and Ace Hardware Corporation. Among those sponsors is Delta Airlines. Delta pulled their sponsorship of Jon Stewart's show. Kellogg replied with a basic company response that didn't go over well. The Catholic League is now calling for a nationwide boycott of Kellogg. I don't eat cereal that much. But, now I have a new reason not to eat cereal, at least, from Kellogg.
But, let's take a look at your typical liberal. In this case, Jon Stewart. He has the brass balls to mock and ridicule Christians just as Bill Maher does. Yet, you won't see Jon Stewart do the same with the Jewish religion or with Islam. Bill Maher has never shown a willingness to heap scorn on Islam. Gee, I wonder why. Anyway, Media Research Center President Brent Bozell challenged Jon Stewart to perform the same style of so-called comedy with a Koran or Torah. He has not responded thus far. I may be wrong on this. But, I don't think you will see a skit about Jewish religious beliefs or that of Muslims. Just a safe guess on my part. Christianity is the "safe" religion to mock and ridicule. Why? Because Christians don't call for the death of the person doing the vile deed. Christians don't riot against Bill Maher or when Jon Stewart says something disgusting about Christianity. Anti-Christian just doesn't carry the same weight as being accused of being anti-Semitic for some odd reason.
Both men (Stewart and Maher) are cowards. Maher had continued his "war on conservative women" until he meekly called for a truce a few weeks back after he was called on his vile language. Jon Stewart hasn't gotten the message yet. Maybe the loss of advertising dollars from Delta Airlines will get his attention. But, he's a liberal. It's going to take a few more sponsors defecting before he understands there are consequences for your actions.
Saturday, May 5, 2012
Spiking the Football
A year ago, President Barack Hussein Obama stated categorically he would not "spike the football" in regard to the killing of Osama bin Laden. Again, that was a year ago. The reality today, as we celebrate the one year anniversary of the death of America's most wanted man, Obama is spiking the football in Afghanistan in front of the troops. "I" decided we would go after OBL, "I" gave the go order, blah, blah, etc. The only thing missing is that Obama didn't take credit for flying the helicopter in, kill OBL and then take off again. Now, if you listen to the Democrats, they say they are not at all worried about President Obama's reelection, that he would win in a walk over Mitt Romney. But, this sudden flight to Afghanistan, to spike the football, wreaks of desperation of a campaign that seemingly is teetering on the edge. Of course, this was a campaign stop, paid courtesy of the U.S. taxpayer. I have stated previously that Obama's ego is his biggest problem. He thinks he is automatically the smartest guy in the room. His strong belief in Socialism, to cure all the ills of the people, is proof enough he is not very smart.
I honestly thought prior to the 2010 Congressional election, President Obama would move toward the center in order to limit losses in Congress. Of course, that did not happen. So, he has gone in the opposite direction. He is now more liberal than when he was a senator. He knows that Americans do not care for an extremist. He and his pals in the Obama Administration are nothing but Left-wing extremists. So, nothing is off limits now in a desperate bid to gain favor with the American voter. I personally think his taking so much credit for the killing of OBL is going to hurt him. People, as a rule, dislike a braggart. Especially a braggart who is exaggerating their contribution in an action such as the killing of OBL. What was so brave about giving the "go order?" He knew where OBL was. Obama had him dead to rights. Yet, Obama took 16 hours before he gave the order to go in and take out OBL. Does that sound like a decisive leader to you? Not to me and most rational thinking people.
Wednesday, May 2, 2012
Obama: Taking Credit for Killing Osama Bin Laden
I have often said that nothing President Obama does surprises me any longer. His usurpation of the U.S. Constitution bypassing Congress with executive orders is one example. He no longer is willing to do things the constitutional way. He has total disdain for the U.S. Constitution. He pushes a health care package by creating a crisis when there wasn't one. Sure, health care cost were out of control. We now learn from the CBO, that Obamacare is going to make matters much worse. Obama creates a laughable "War on Women" that no one in their right mind actually can believe. So, now on the first anniversary of the death of Osama Bin Laden, it should come as no surprise he is taking full credit for killing OBL.
President Obama is taking another victory lap one year later on his most famous and, in fact, only foreign policy achievement. What Obama did not expect this time around are the Navy Seals expressing outrage that BHO is taking such credit and using it for political favor with the voting public. Some are calling it much ado about nothing since the order to "go" was a no-brainer. We had OBL dead to rights. The people most responsible were the Navy Seals who carried out the mission. It took no courage to sit idly by in the White House Situation Room watching the action take place. I give President Obama credit for actually giving the go ahead to kill OBL. But, the idea it was such a brave act, by the President, is giving the man far too much credit. Of course, everything liberals do is considered "brave" and "heroic" in these days of the "Occupy Wall St." movement.
It was a major victory in the war on terror with the killing of Osama Bin Laden. But, the fact the President intends to make political hay out of this only discredits the brave act of the men involved in this action.
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