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Saturday, May 19, 2012

Obama: Born in Kenya

Breitbart.com has reported a bio for a book President Obama had published in 1991, states he was born in Kenya.  Obama's former literary agency "misidentified" his birthplace as Kenya while trying to promote the then-Harvard Law grad as an author in 1991.  The literary agency, Acton & Dystel, clearly states, "Obama was born in Kenya and raised in Indonesia and Hawaii."  Miriam Goderich, who edited the bio, states, "...it was a fact checking error by me."  Here is the controversial text;  "Barack Obama, the first African-American president of the Harvard Law Review, was born in Kenya and raised in Indonesia and Hawaii. The son of an American anthropologist and a Kenyan finance minister, he attended Columbia University and worked as a financial journalist and editor for Business International Corporation..."   The White House did not respond to requests for comment. I'm sure this all sounds familiar.  It is those blasted birthers acting up again.  Breitbart.com is just a right-wing site dredging up more trash on the President.  Those are the left-wing talking points.

Of course, if the mainstream media had done its job by vetting Obama, none of this birther "nonsense" would  have taken place.  No one questioned his academic standing, his grades, his birth in the USA.  The MSM can bring up an event that took place 50 years ago with Mitt Romney.  But, they can't find it in their heart to find out if the Democratic nominee, in 2008, was truly an American citizen?  What's wrong with this picture?  Of course, the left-wing supporters, such as Salon, have come out aggressively against this latest threat against their Savior.  It is the typical left-wing hysteria that does not even attempt to address this subject.  This is why Obama is continually dogged by this birther controversy.  No one wants to put it to rest.  Here's the thing...once a literary agent has a final manuscript, it is given to the author for any correction he wants to make.  The FIRST thing an author checks is the bio.  That bio will follow him wherever he goes or whatever other book he writes.  How did Obama miss that part where it said he was born in Kenya?  But, let's say he missed it inadvertently.  Once the book is published, surely Obama checks out his own book, right?  Why didn't he move for the publisher to make the correction?  Why did it take from 1991 to 2007 BEFORE the correction was made?  In 2007, Senator Obama of Illinois made the decision to run for President.  Only then was the correction made.  Don't you find that just slightly convenient?  Do you see why no one can find this man believable? 

Now, this may be all much ado about nothing.  Let's hope so.  The constitutional war that would ensue of having an illegitimate President in office would be of enormous and historical precedent.  The ramifications would go on for decades.  Everything President Obama has done in office would be declared null and void.  The left-wing fire breathers, such as Salon, will just attack those who have brought up this latest bit of information on the President.  It is time to put this to rest once and for all.  Burying your head in the sand is not going to make it go away.


  1. any port in a storm.

    Obama is black. Therefore he isn't an American.

    The 'commentators' whose intent is to stir the pot are preaching to the choir. The only people who believe this drivel are the ones who already believe it - they are too ignorant and/or too racist to admit the obvious (probably both).

    If you think you are gaining votes by propagating this birther nonsense, you are as spitting into the wind. The extreme right was never going to vote for Obama in the first place. Normal, intelligent people will base their vote on something other than obvious lies.

    1. Wayne, I know you didn't mean to do it. But, you proved my point better than I could have about the mindlessness of Obama fanatics. Like the left-wingers at Salon, you come here fire breathing a defense of Obama without really making a defense. I describe you left-wingers as behaving in three modes. I call them "CIP." Change the subject. Ignore facts. Personal attacks. You demonstrated all three. You immediately tried to change the subject by stated "Obama is black. He isn't American." That is a leap of logic that would escape any "normal, intelligent people." You Ignored the facts I presented about the literary agent/author/publisher relationship. Of course, you had nothing left other than personal attacks.

      But, take heart, Wayne. All of your fire breathing colleagues are just as ill-equipped to rationally discuss a subject about Obama as you are. When you engage in personal attacks, you have lost the debate. Is this sudden hysteria in relation to the latest polls showing your Savior sliding behind Romney with women (NY Times) and independents (Rasmussen)? It must be. You did not even attempt to address my points because I must be a "birther." Funny thing, I never see left-wingers condemning "truthers." Wonder why, Wayne? I almost didn't allow this comment because of the violation of forum rules. But, I want everyone who comes here to see the state of the Liberal these days. Like Wayne, they are all foaming at the mouth.


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