xxHNX2LGN_mi1k5pYPzJTmyCdBk U.S. Bishops: Enact Civil Disobedience | The Right Commentary<script src='//www.reddit.com/buttonlite.js?i=1' type='text/javascript'></script>

Wednesday, May 30, 2012

U.S. Bishops: Enact Civil Disobedience

There are now 43 Catholic plaintiffs that have filed lawsuits against the Obama Administration.  This also includes the University of Notre Dame.  The Catholic groups have filed suit for what they see as a threat to religious freedom.  The issue causing the rancor is Obamacare, of course.  Specifically, the sterilization-contraception-abortifacient mandate in Obamacare is at issue here.  This is due to go into effect on August 1.  The Obama Administration "tweaked" the law so that Catholic groups would not be forced to provide contraceptives on demand.  Instead, the Obama Administration has stated that the cost would be passed onto the insurance carrier of each respective group.  However, President Obama has thrown down the gauntlet by stating, at a speech in Cleveland on Monday afternoon,  the contraceptive issue would go forward regardless of the lawsuits. Catholic bishops are now calling for Catholics to ready themselves for "civil disobedience."  President Obama can witness massive demonstration not seen since the Civil Rights movement of the 1960s. The main issue with the Catholic church seems to be that Catholics would be forced to act against their consciences and the teachings of their church.

Personally, I think the sight of Catholic bishops being arrested while demonstrating,  due to an infringement upon religious freedom, could be a "Waterloo" moment for President Obama.   Obama is remaining steadfast to his left-wing agenda, regardless of the consequences.   Catholics comprise about 22% or over 75 million of the U.S. population.  Think about that for a moment.  Suppose only 10% disagree with Obama on the contraceptive issue.  That is 7.5 million that Obama has kissed goodbye (probably less since not all are all voting age) in the Presidential election.  This kind of fight is not something a President with the baggage (stagnant economy, 5 trillion added to debt, continued high unemployment, scandals such as Solyndra) Obama has simply doesn't make any sense.  

Mitt Romney is proving he will be a much tougher opponent than anyone in the Obama campaign had thought.  So, why pick a fight with such a tough opponent as the Catholic church?  Obama is being pushed by the radical agenda of the Progressives in the Democratic Party.  They will not relent in their desire for an all-powerful federal government that controls everything and everyone.  President Obama had an opportunity to walk back this issue with the Catholic church earlier this year.  But, passing on the cost to the insurance company did not fool anyone, especially the Catholic groups who have filed suit.  You just have to believe the Republican Party are as dumbfounded by Obama's actions as anyone.  I imagine the Republicans are quietly gleeful about this strange move by the Obama Administration also.  You can call it an early "Christmas gift" to the Republicans.

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