Wednesday, February 29, 2012
Democrats Voting for Santorum in Michigan
You know that old saying, be careful of what you wish for? You may get it? Yeah, that one. There is a chance Democrats will learn that old saying the hard way if current Rasmussen polling stays true. It is no secret that Democrats (and Obama himself) are hoping Rick Santorum wins the Republican Presidential nomination. They hope that because they view Santorum as an easier opponent than the more moderate Mitt Romney. In fact, Democrats cross voted (this post is being typed up prior to Tuesday Michigan Primary results) in an effort to help President Obama. Even the much despised Michael Moore is pushing for Democrats in Michigan (Moore's home state) to go to the polls to vote for Rick Santorum. This has been the little backdoor trick played by Democrats this campaign year. Of course, Republicans have done the same to Democrats in years past. So, turnabout being fair play, it is the Democrats time to return the favor. But, can you imagine the gnashing of teeth if by some quirk of fate Santorum,as the Republican nominee, beats Obama? That would give pause to both Democrats and Republicans when it comes to the time treasured activity of crossover voting in the primary process.
Right now, that Rasmussen Poll shows a Romney-Obama battle tied at 44%. A Santorum-Obama battle shows Obama with a 3% lead at 46-43%, which is the exact margin of error on this poll (3%). This is not something that Democrats expected. Obviously, if Rick Santorum was within 5 % of Obama, none of the Democrats would be so eager to crossover vote in Michigan and other states that allow crossover voting between Democrats and Republicans (I don't like crossover voting, but that is an entirely different issue). Now, these polls with Rasmussen, PPP, Gallup and others will fluctuate quite a bit over the next few months. That 3% Obama lead on Santorum could expand greatly if the economy continues to improve. But, the bad omen for Obama is the cost of a gallon of gas. That will get you kicked out of office quicker than practically anything else in the USA. Gas is causing everything to increase in price which is an inflation threat, not to mention it hurting employment figures. The next few months will be interesting. The Republicans fear their nominee (regardless of who it is) is no match for Obama even with all the baggage he carries. But, stranger things have happened in politics. You just have to be careful about what you wish for in U.S. politics. You may get it.
Wednesday, February 22, 2012
The Republican George Soros
Sheldon Adelson is a name with which most Americans are not familiar. However, I can guarantee you Newt Gingrich is very familiar with him. Mr. Adelson, a multi-billionaire casino owner in Las Vegas, has already donated approximately $11 million to Newt Gingrich's campaign. He is about to donate more. A lot more. Mr. Adelson was recently quoted as saying, "They like to trash other people. It’s unfair that I’ve been treated unfair—but it doesn’t stop me. I might give $10 million or $100 million to Gingrich.” Basically, men such as Mr. Adelson and George Soros are capable of buying a presidential election. But, who can win this high stakes, winner-take-all? If I were a betting man, I'd put my money on Sheldon Adelson. He appears even more ruthless than George Soros (if that is even remotely possible). Strangely, Mr. Adelson is against wealthy people trying to affect elections with their wealth. “I’m against very wealthy people attempting to or influencing elections,” he shrugs. “But as long as it’s doable I’m going to do it. Because I know that guys like Soros have been doing it for years, if not decades," Mr. Adelson states. Mr. Adelson states he won't pay for a candidate to mudsling. That would literally knock out all the Republican candidates right now if he follows through with that.
It appears Shedlon Adelson is going to financially support whoever the Republican candidate will be. I do believe he is throwing money into a giant sinkhole called the Newt Gingrich campaign. People have seen Gingrich for what he is; style, but no substance. He is a panderer, playing up to whatever crowd he is speaking to at the moment. The bigger question here, is this what the Founding Fathers intended when our constitution was written? Is our system of electing a president determined now by a few wealthy men or women with their own political agenda? I'm not saying billionaires like Sheldon Adelson and George Soros don't have the right to contribute. But, when you are contributing $10 million a pop to a candidate, how independent will that Presidential Candidate be if he is elected? How independent has Barack Obama been with the big unions, the same unions that got him elected? He has given them waivers on Obamacare and having the NLRB file a complaint against Boeing, in South Carolina, due to a "...nonunion production line." This complaint was later dropped. It is evident, at least to me, wealthy people have far too much influence in our national elections. The sad thing about it, our politicians show no inclination to stop or, at least, limit this monetary influence any time soon.
Saturday, February 18, 2012
The Blacklisting of Pat Buchanan
Pat Buchanan, the former presidential candidate, author, and Nixon White House adviser, finally got the axe from MSNBC. He was out of his element in the Leftist Progressive network or the official network of President Obama. Leftists all over had decried MSNBC for not firing him. You see, the Left is all about promoting freedom of speech as long as it is in agreement with their agenda. You fail to follow the party line, then you are a racist, an ideologue and, of course, a Nazi. Buchanan was never going to follow the Leftist rants of the Socialists who parade themselves as free thinkers and Progressives at MSNBC. That was never going to happen. Pat was always at odds with management at MSNBC. It is amazing Mr. Buchanan has lasted this long (ten years) at that alleged network. Of course, Pat Buchanan exacerbated the problem with his latest book, "Suicide of a Superpower: Will America Survive to 2025?"
In that book, Mr. Buchanan at long last laid the groundwork that MSNBC executives had been looking for to fire him as they did yesterday after a four month suspension. Some of the topics that Mr. Buchanan discussed in his book sent Leftists into apoplectic seizures. In one chapter, he discussed the end of White America. A black group calling itself "Color of Change" stated Mr. Buchanan's book espoused white supremacy. Really? I'm curious what this group thinks of the New Black Panther Party or their stance in Philadelphia, PA in the 2008 election? Another group, that considers itself a champion for gay rights of LBGT, stated his views are harmful to millions of gays around the world. Mr. Buchanan's remarks? He thinks homosexuality is immoral. There are millions of people "around the world" who share his views. This includes Muslims, who would behead any gays in their country. I can present many more examples of the "perpetually outraged" minorities in this country. But, I think you get the picture.
Mr. Buchanan has stated the Left has succeeded in getting him blacklisted at every avenue available to him, both in news media and on talk radio. Advertisers are fearful of being boycotted by the Left. Yet, the anarchists of the Occupy Movement derail people from working in Oakland, they attack Mitt Romney in Denver and little is said. The stated goal of Leftists is to intimidate, stifle and stop the speech of any conservative. It's not just Pat Buchanan that is being blacklisted. Ann Coulter, Sarah Palin and many other conservatives are being denied the right of freedom of speech. You can twist that any way you wish by saying these Leftists protesters have the right to do this. They do not have the right to disrupt an organized meeting place. Those of you that support such activity, how long before they come after you? Say nothing now and someday, no one will be around to defend you. Pat Buchanan today. Ann Coulter tomorrow?
Wednesday, February 15, 2012
ABO: Anybody But Obama
Just when you start thinking you can back Mitt Romney, Rick Santorum comes along and rocks the boat. After his Florida win, I was almost positive that Mitt Romney was about to take the nomination at last. He took Nevada easily. So, I suspected Santorum would give him a tough go of it in Missouri, Colorado and another I forget at the moment. That gave Rick Santorum a sweep of three states. Not many people expected that. I sure as hell didn't expect it. Santorum is the social conservative in the Republican nomination process. I'm not sure how that will play out in a national election when jobs and the economy are of the utmost importance to people right now. Mitt Romney and Rick Santorum are in a dead heat statistically nationwide right now. So, it is still anybody's race. My fear is that President Obama will get Rick Santorum. I may be wrong. But, Obama would easily beat Rick Santorum. Mitt Romney is the only one who can give Obama a run for his money according to polls right now.
But, it doesn't really matter if it is Rick Santorum, Mitt Romney, Newt Gingrich or the Barber of Seville. I will vote for ANYBODY BUT OBAMA. I suspect I am far from being alone in that sentiment. Sure, unemployment is improving. But, for some reason, the news media refuses to delve into why it is improving. You know, like people that have given up looking for a job, people who can't file unemployment claims because their funds have been exhausted. Things like that. If this were George W. Bush, you damn well better believe the news media would dissect these improving numbers apart. But, Obama gets a pass. It is the news media and Hollywood's infatuation that turns off a lot of people toward Obama. He is the Messiah, The Anointed One. He is also an abject failure as a president. If you bleeding heart liberals would open your eyes, you would see Obama is a miserable failure also. But, you are all Obama Zombies. So, I suppose you can be excused. But, the rest of us can make up our own minds. Conservatives, moderates, and independents will determine this election. If conservatives get out the vote, Obama can be beaten. Even Rick Santorum can beat Obama in my opinion. Obama has wrecked this economy despite the continual blame on "W." People aren't buying that excuse any longer.
People are ready for a change. This time true Hope and Change. We do not want the empty slogans of the Obama Cult this time. It is time to break from the the Obama Great Socialist experiment. It has failed. Obamacare is falling apart thanks to lawsuits, Republican opposition, and the recent gift to Republicans, contraceptives on demand from churches. Like so many people, I am tired of President Obama. Anybody but Obama? You damn right. Even Hillary (gasp) Clinton if she was running for the Republican nomination at this point.
Saturday, February 11, 2012
The Glitter Bomber
On Tuesday, of this week, Republican Presidential Candidate Mitt Romney was in Denver to give a speech at the University of Colorado-Denver campus. What he did not expect was to be attacked by the so-called glitter bandit. What this idiot did was throw glitter on Mitt Romney. Apparently, "glitter bombing" has become the modus operandi of the far Left Gay Rights Activists. Romney was not harmed. But, Peter Smith, the glitter bomber in this incident, could face up to six months in jail for this act due to the fact Mr. Romney was under Secret Service protection. It was noted afterward that Peter Smith is/was a member of the Democratic Party in Colorado. I am hoping he was fired. If glitter bombing is the best you can do to bring attention to your cause, then you have a lost cause. Don't tell me this will stop when Gays get equal treatment under the law. That is BS. This is about forcing an ideology on people who don't approve of their lifestyle. People have the right to disapprove of what you do as long as they don't, oh I don't know, throw glitter on you. It's not enough to get marriage rights or equal billing in the military. It's about forcing everyone, every man, woman and child, to accept your lifestyle as normal.
Here is a news flash for these lunatic fringe groups; any act that reaches another person's nose is an act of violence on that person. It doesn't matter if it is glitter bombing, throwing flowers, blowing kisses or whatever. You do not have the right to invade a person's private space as Peter Smith did with Mitt Romney. Don't tell me this is not the norm for Gay Activists. I've seen this and much worse from these groups. But, it is groups such as the Tea Party, filled with nazi-like 80 year old great-grandmothers, that has network news in a tizzy. No one worries about other lunatic groups like the Occupy Movement who, incidentally, were defecating on the lawn of where Mitt Romney was speaking Tuesday night. This is the Progressive Movement finally making themselves known.
Love him or despise him, Glenn Beck said last year that the Progressives will make themselves known soon enough. His prediction has come true. Left-wingers have a long history of violence. It only started last year with OWS. It continues with Glitter Bombing from Gays who never know when enough is enough. It may just be Glitter Bombing today. Tomorrow? Well, who knows? Socialists consider anyone caught in their path as just "collateral damage." The ends truly justifies the means with these people. But, the question begs, what "means" will it take for these far Left fringe groups to reach the "end game?" You want the answer? Look at what OWS is doing today, look at what Gay Rights Leftists are doing today. That is your answer.
Wednesday, February 8, 2012
Obama Administration Names Advocate for Illegal Aliens
Yesterday, the Obama Administration did something that once again is unprecedented. U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement said that the advocate would serve as a point of contact for "individuals" in immigration proceedings. Andrew Lorenz-Strait will serve as the advocate for all illegal aliens facing deportation. Of course, the Obama Administration stated they are trying to focus on criminal illegal aliens who need to be deported. It is said that the Obama Administration has been allegedly deporting illegal aliens at record levels. But, they are also trying to shore up their Hispanic base by appearing to support illegal aliens. Rep. Lamar Smith said the Obama Administration is elevating the concerns of illegal aliens for the first time in U.S. history. "It's outrageous that the Obama administration has appointed a taxpayer-funded activist for illegal and criminal immigrants who are detained or ordered deported. The administration all too often acts more like a lobbying firm for illegal immigrants than as an advocate for the American people," Mr. Smith, Texas Republican, said.
I wish I could say all this surprises me. But, nothing surprises me by this President, this administration. First, it is unconscionable that a sitting U.S. President would try to assist people who have broken U.S. law. Rather than focus on preventing our border laws from being broken, Obama tries to assist those who have shown a lack of respect or regard for our border. Illegal aliens do not recognize our borders. Never have. What Obama has done is now give these criminals someone to assist them in helping with their deportation case. Help me out here. You brag about record deportations and, at the same time, give them an advocate to assist in their deportations? How about assisting people who do not want to pay taxes to the federal government? How about giving them a taxpayer funded advocate to help them in their fight against an overbearing federal government? That's not going to happen. Obama has no inclination to help ordinary Americans. It makes no sense to assist people who have broken the law. If you have a taxpayer funded advocate for illegal aliens, you must have one for every American who has broken the law. This is a slippery slope for the Obama Administration. But, again, why should I be surprised by a President who has show little regard for rule of law throughout his first (and hopefully last) term?
Saturday, February 4, 2012
Israeli Strike on Iran Imminent?
News from U.S. Secretary of Defense Leon Panetta is that a military strike against Iran is imminent. Israeli rationale for a strike now is that Iran is at the point of being invulnerable to a air strike that would destroy their ability to build nuclear weapons. Amazingly, Secretary Panetta stated a time frame from April to June of this year. The only possible reason that he would give an actual time frame is that Israel is acting alone in this action and without U.S. support. The U.S. has stated that harsh sanctions have taken place and having the desire effect on Iran. They point to Iran's threat to blockade the Strait of Hormuz as an indication. However, there is no proof that the additional sanctions have had the desired economic hardships that many have hoped for since China and Russia refuse to participate in the sanctions.
There is not much more that can be said. Israel is apparently going to take unilateral action to prevent Iran from having a nuclear capability. Looking at it from an Israeli perspective, one can understand why they must act now. Soon, Iran will have an impregnable barrier that will prevent the Israeli Air Force from destroying Iran's nuclear program. Iran claims that they are building nuclear power plants to provide power to their country. No one really believes that. I can't say that I disagree with them. Suppose we had Iran on our border (although the lawlessness of Mexico is a close second), we would do likewise. We would not let an unstable government like Iran have nuclear weapons. In fact, I am positive we would have acted long ago. Yet, we want the Israelis to wait for another round of sanctions to take hold. Iran is laughing in the face of the West over the sanctions. Their threat of blocking the Strait of Hormuz was nothing more than a bluff by Iran. They did not want to take on the U.S. Navy.
So, what will happen after an Israeli attack? I think we can pretty much guess what will happen. Terrorism will reach new highs in both Israel and the United States. No country in the Western Hemisphere will be exempt from a terrorist attack. Can they mount a 911 type of attack? That is doubtful since that sort of an attack takes years to plan. But, they can hit soft targets like shopping malls, schools, subways and so on. The only thing we can do is be prepared and ready in the event of a terrorist attack on the United States. Of course, if we discover Iran is behind any terrorist attack on U.S. soil, President Obama had best retaliate and retaliate quickly. Iran understands only one thing; military strength. We will have to impose our will on that insane government to make them understand attacking the USA is a big mistake.
Wednesday, February 1, 2012
"Get The Hell Out Of The USA!!!"
Florida U.S. House Representative Allen West had some choice words for the Democratic Socialist Party during the Lincoln Day Dinner Sunday. Rep. West stated, “We need to let President Obama, Harry Reid, Nancy Pelosi and my dear friend the chairman of the Democratic National Committee [Debbie Wasserman Schultz], let them know Florida ain’t on the table. Take your message of economic dependency, take your message of enslaving the entrepreneurial will and spirit of the American people somewhere else,” West continued. “You can take it to Europe, you can take it to the bottom of the sea, you can take it to the North Pole, but get the hell out of the United States of America.” That is about as provocative a statement as one can make. He is correct that Democratic leaders mentioned are trying to stifle the entrepreneurial spirit that gave us such people as the late Steven Jobs, Bill Gates, and on and on. People who were able to better their lot in life. The Democratic Socialists hate this sort of independent thinking. Rep. West was simply saying what most of us (those of us that are not hardcore Socialists) think about Obama, Harry Reid and the rest of the gang at the Democratic Party. President Obama and the Democrats have tried to turn a Capitalist society into one of the failed Socialist experiment similar to the old Soviet Union. He has not been able to do the job completely in four years. He is correct he needs "...another four years to complete the job." As far as Rep. West goes, his bombastic statements may be due to a tough reelection bid he has himself. Regardless, the double standard between conservative and liberal African-Americans is being amply presented in the media now.
Rep. West, of course, is being condemned by the Left-wing media and Democrats who hate to hear the truth about themselves. Debbie Wasserman Schultz and Rep. Allen West despise each other. There is no denying that. Schultz aka "The Angry Perm" has been following Republicans at each caucus and primary trying to foment trouble. She is going after the wrong man in Rep. West. He won't stand idly by and watch her try to knock Republicans off balance with media appearances in Iowa, New Hampshire, etc. It appears the Democratic leadership is more worried about President Obama's reelection chances than they are letting on with bizarre tactics as displayed by Schultz. However, what I find odd is how a black conservative can say something controversial and the media explodes. But, let a black Left-wing radical, like Al Sharpton (he's no Reverend, never has been) say at Kean College in 1994, "“White folks was [sic] in caves while we was building empires…. We taught philosophy and astrology and mathematics before Socrates and them Greek homos ever got around to it," and little is said about it in the news media.
My main point is that what is good for the goose is good for the gander. If Al Sharpton can make fiery racist statements, then one should have no problem with Rep. West stating his provocative opinion on the Democratic leadership. Rep. West is backing off somewhat those statements of this past Sunday, I don't understand why he should. I daresay, far worse has been said about Republicans from their Democratic counterparts. Just ask George W. Bush.
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