You know that old saying, be careful of what you wish for? You may get it? Yeah, that one. There is a chance Democrats will learn that old saying the hard way if current Rasmussen polling stays true. It is no secret that Democrats (and Obama himself) are hoping Rick Santorum wins the Republican Presidential nomination. They hope that because they view Santorum as an easier opponent than the more moderate Mitt Romney. In fact, Democrats cross voted (this post is being typed up prior to Tuesday Michigan Primary results) in an effort to help President Obama. Even the much despised Michael Moore is pushing for Democrats in Michigan (Moore's home state) to go to the polls to vote for Rick Santorum. This has been the little backdoor trick played by Democrats this campaign year. Of course, Republicans have done the same to Democrats in years past. So, turnabout being fair play, it is the Democrats time to return the favor. But, can you imagine the gnashing of teeth if by some quirk of fate Santorum,as the Republican nominee, beats Obama? That would give pause to both Democrats and Republicans when it comes to the time treasured activity of crossover voting in the primary process.
Right now, that Rasmussen Poll shows a Romney-Obama battle tied at 44%. A Santorum-Obama battle shows Obama with a 3% lead at 46-43%, which is the exact margin of error on this poll (3%). This is not something that Democrats expected. Obviously, if Rick Santorum was within 5 % of Obama, none of the Democrats would be so eager to crossover vote in Michigan and other states that allow crossover voting between Democrats and Republicans (I don't like crossover voting, but that is an entirely different issue). Now, these polls with Rasmussen, PPP, Gallup and others will fluctuate quite a bit over the next few months. That 3% Obama lead on Santorum could expand greatly if the economy continues to improve. But, the bad omen for Obama is the cost of a gallon of gas. That will get you kicked out of office quicker than practically anything else in the USA. Gas is causing everything to increase in price which is an inflation threat, not to mention it hurting employment figures. The next few months will be interesting. The Republicans fear their nominee (regardless of who it is) is no match for Obama even with all the baggage he carries. But, stranger things have happened in politics. You just have to be careful about what you wish for in U.S. politics. You may get it.
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