You know that old saying? If it walks like a duck, quacks like a duck, looks like a duck, chances are it must be a duck. That is what I tell people when I describe The Anointed One as a Socialist. He surrounds himself with hardcore Socialists, he believes in the Communist Manifesto, he believes in redistribution of wealth. So, chances are, President Obama is a Socialist. The only thing I don't understand is why doesn't he just come out and admit it. Well, the one newspaper that would know a Socialist/Communist is the Russian newspaper, Pravda. In their newspaper of November 19, 2012, they state categorically, "Recently, Obama has been reelected for a 2nd term by an illiterate society and he is ready to continue his lies of less taxes while he raises them." Ouch. That must hurt the Obama Zombies to the bone. In fact, many Republicans have said the same for several years. Obama does raise taxes, such as Obamacare. It is a tax. He has raided Medicare of over $700 billion, the first U.S. President to do so. Nothing is said by the Pravda of America, otherwise known as CBS, ABC, NBC, New York Times and on and on.
Pravda goes on to state (and this one must really hurt the Progressives in both the Democratic and Republican Parties), "The communists won in America with Obama, but failed miserably in Russia with Zyuganov who only received 17% of the vote." Double ouch. Pravda also brings forth something myself and many Conservatives believe, "...liberalism is a psychosis." It is indeed a mental disorder. The idea of taking from those who "make" and give to those who "take" is an idea as old and dead as Vladimar Lenin Socialism is a failed economic model that has laid waste to lives and countries throughout the centuries. Again, no one knows this better than those who suffered at the hands of Socialist elitists, the people in Russia. Spreading wealth is an age old concept that sounds good on the surface. But, it fails miserably when put into practice. Socialism stifles ingenuity, entrepreneurship, and the daily lives of people. It is a failure. But, the communists/socialists/liberals of America want to give it a try. Obamacare will prove right away it is a grotesque failure. Will that stop the Obama Zombies? Nope. Meanwhile, 23 million Americans don't have a job. Inflation is rising. The economy is in shambles. But, the Communists in America have their foot in the door. They will not stop until they open that door all the way. Consequences be damned.