Wednesday, April 18, 2012
Bob Beckel Strikes Again
Monday night on Sean Hannity, Bob Beckel proved once and for all what a loud mouthed, profane, vulgar lout he is.. Ok, some will say he didn't know he was on air. That is all beside the point. He had no right to verbally attack the Tea Party activist Jennifer Stefano. She simply stated that "Head Start" spending was completely out of control and ineffective. This lady had a right to her opinion. But, what she did not deserve was Bob Beckel crudely yelling, "You don't know what the fuck you are talking about!!!" That is vintage Beckel. He is presented with facts and he replies with vulgarity. But, he is a Leftist. That is the way they roll. Beckel at first refused to apologize because he did not think he was on air. He finally realized he yelled the vulgarity on air and then, like any liberal skirting personal accountability, blamed Sean Hannity! So typical of the liberal mindset. It is always somebody else at fault, not us. You know, kind of like Obama blaming all the ills and mistakes of his administration on George W. Bush.
At the end of the hit Fox News show Tuesday afternoon, "The Five," Bob Beckel had a chance to be a man, to apologize for the crudeness of character he displayed on Monday night. But, no, he did not have the guts to do that. Instead he came up with comic relief by placing money in a swear jar. Why is Bob Beckel given such leeway? I don't get it. It is like there are rules for everyone else and then rules for...oh wait. That is the way of the liberal, isn't it? Rules don't apply to them, just to everyone else. What little respect I had for Fox News is gone over this. They should have fired Beckel's ass. They ran off Glenn Beck. But, they keep a vulgar fat man like Bob Beckel. Someone needs to explain that to me. I'm done with Fox.
Editor's Note: This will be my last rant for about two weeks. I will be taking some time off from this blog and another one I write. I don't want to get burned out like I did about two years ago.
Saturday, April 14, 2012
The Mommy Wars
This will be a sort of short post today. But, I had to say something about Hilary Rosen and her attack on Ann Romney, the wife of Republican Presidential Nominee, Mitt Romney. Rosen stated, "... his wife has never worked a day in her life. she's never dealt with the economic issues that a majority of the woman in the country deal with..." Of course, this is preposterous. Any stay at home mom must be outraged by a statement such as this. A stay at home must deal with raising kids, picking them up at school, cooking dinner, getting kids ready for school. Tell me that is not work, ok? It just goes to show how truly out of touch Democrats are despite Democrats saying Republicans are out of touch. It is just more posturing and BS from the Democratic Party. They are fearful of Ann Romney and stay at home moms, who are mostly conservative. That scares Democrats. It wasn't that long ago that another Hillary made an equally callous remark. Hillary Clinton stated twenty years ago, stay-at-home moms spend their time “baking cookies and having teas.” It is more evidence that Democrats hate the stay at home mom. Like I said, stay at home moms are mostly conservative. Democrats sometimes can't help themselves in their loathing of these women.
What we are witnessing are the opening salvos of the 2012 Presidential Campaign. Democrats have invented the "Republican War on Women" with the contrived contraceptive "controversy." They have to create these strawmen. Why? Because Democrats can't run on their failed record of the past 3 1/2 years. Record deficits, moribund economy, high unemployment and the much hated Obamacare is not a record you can brag about to voters. So, we have the "War on Women" and the "Mommy Wars." What is wrong with this country? This is the best our two major political parties can do? I'll say again, we need a viable third party in this country.
Wednesday, April 11, 2012
Liberal Prima Donnas
Keith Olbermann. That name just exudes low-class, crudeness and arrogance, doesn't it? You would think this Left-wing prima donna would be able to, at least, get along with those of his ilk. Not so. First, he was pushed out or "resigned" from ESPN, the famed sports network. He was suspended by ESPN for two weeks for appearing on the Leftist "comedy" show "The Daily Show" on the Comedy Central network. Both ESPN and Ms. Olbermann had bitter disputes for about ten years after he left that network. So, on to MSNBC went Keith. Again, Olbermann locked horns with management. Olbermann got into hot water with MSNBC when he proved he was anything but a journalist by contributing $2,400 each to three different Democratic candidates for Congress in 2010. He was suspended for that action. That was against network policy. But, apparently, Keith didn't think those rules applied to him. Keith was shown the door on January 21, 2011. But, he landed on his feet by signing on with Current TV where he would be watched by "dozens" of viewers every night. Of course, you probably all know about his recent divorce from the AlGore network aka Current TV for breach of contract. It seems that Olbermann keeps getting in his own way. He needs his own network so he can come to work when he wants to and just be the big prima donna he is known to be. Who the hell would want to work for him?
This brings us to another liberal prima donna. Bryant Gumbel. If you don't think Bryant Gumbel is the greatest thing since sliced bread, just ask him. He'll tell you how great he is. He even makes Olbermann look humble when it comes to arrogance. Gumbel is known to let his "off the cuff" remarks speak for what he is all about. He had an interview in 2000 with a Boy Scouts leader who was refusing to let Gays become scout leaders. Gumbel was quoted as saying "What a fucking idiot." Gee, what swell guy he is. Also, his racist and political bias comes through on occasion. During the Winter Olympics in 2006, Gumbel complained about the lack of African-American participation. "So try not to laugh when someone says these are the world's greatest athletes despite a paucity of blacks that makes the Winter Games look like a GOP convention." Yeah, this guy is an award winning "journalist." Disgusting, isn't it? I've never seen Mr. Gumble complain about lack of whites in the NBA. Hmmmm. The thing about it...Gumbel has never been punished for his remarks. Is it because he is African-American? He'd say no to that very quickly. But, I think it is safe to say he would not be noted for being an "award winning journalist" if he were Caucasian. He would have been fired long ago. Just ask Keith Olbermann.
Just a couple of the more outrageous prima donnas of the liberal persuasion to think about on this hump day. It would be nice if we lived in a perfect world where all news commentators just reported the news instead of making the news on occasion.
Saturday, April 7, 2012
Lefties Gone Wild
I participate on a lot of different sites, both political and non-political. I have met some interesting people. Some of them I have met I would just as soon forget. One such case is on HubPages. Two of the most whacked out Lefties I have ever come across (and I have done battle with many over the years) is adagio4639 and Credence2. Like most Socialists, they like to ignore whatever you say and project their "ideology" onto you. Everything they accuse you of, they do themselves. adagio4639, for example, accuses one Hubber of being Hitler, and other noteworthy names, in clear violation of Hub Pages. This individual is like so many Leftists; he is vulgar, he is threatening and he is violent. Same thing for Credence2. He says he is a black man. I'm not sure what the significance of that statement is suppose to mean. It does not give Credence2 and adagio4639 (especially the latter) the right to destroy an entire hub such as "Obama - Voting For Him Is UnAmerican - Because He's An Enemy of the State". This bastard (pardon my french) is insane. That is as mildly as I can put it. Hit on the link above and you'll see what I mean. Like any good Leftist, he (adagio4639) changes the subject with insane droning about something that is totally irrelevant to the discussion. There is simply no way you can talk or reason to adagio4639 or his equally obtuse pal, Credence2.
I don't normally call out individuals like this. But, I've long made it a point to know your enemy. Both are narrow-minded simpletons. They can only see one view, and that is their view. Nothing else matters. People like this can learn nothing. Absolutely nothing. After taking their crap for two days, I called out both of them to visit my hubs or visit me here. Like all cowardly Leftists, they declined. Ann Coulter made a point to discuss the cowardice of Leftists when Glenn Beck and his family were verbally attacked in a park in New York about two years ago. She pointed out that Leftists will not attack unless they are gathered in a mob. This mob mentality of the Socialist mindset was in its prime during the Stalinist purges in 1937 and 1938. Most think it could never happen again. But, if Credence2 and adagio4639 are any indication, the fallacy of that argument is wrong.
adagio4639 hub pages,
Credence2 hub pages,
hub pages,
Wednesday, April 4, 2012
Obama Threatens U.S. Supreme Court
Monday, in one of the most bizarre, rambling, unprecedented actions by a sitting U.S. President, President Obama quite literally threatened conservative U.S. Supreme Court Justices by warning them that rejection of his pet project, the much hated Obamacare, would be an act of "judicial activism." Conservatives have been ranting against this for years to no avail. It appears that judicial activism is considered persona non grata when it goes against the Socialist agenda. Obamacare is the most dangerous overreach of federal government activism since the Great Depression. The Obama Administration lawyers could not adequately make their case that the individual mandate is constitutional to the SCOTUS. Even one liberal justice, Justice Sotomayor, was skeptical of the individual mandate (well, before she apparently got a phone call and then quickly fell in line).
There is no excuse for the President of a supposedly free and Democratic country to intimidate and threaten Supreme Court justices. President Obama lectured that they "...were not elected." I wonder if our beloved President considered that the conservative justices on the U.S. Court of Appeals, the one that stated the individual mandate was constitutional, were not elected either. I did not see him mention that at all. This is the same President who took a shot at the SCOTUS during his State of the Union address that enraged Justice Samuel Alito. Obama's "chickens are coming home to roost" now. He doesn't like the taste of his own medicine.
There is simply no room for this kind of talk from the Office of the President of the United States. There is no precedent for thuggery in the Oval Office. What we saw Monday was a case of Chicago politics gone wild. The SCOTUS is trying to apply the U.S. Constitution to the law known as Obamacare. Whether or not that will happen, we will not know until sometime in June. What really bothers me is that this President should have known that the individual mandate was an overreach of the bounds of the federal government into the lives of private citizens. He was allegedly a constitutional professor at an elite university at one time. So, why push this healthcare law down the throats of the American people (which a clear two-thirds majority want repealed)? Because President Obama doesn't really care about the rule of law. He never has cared. He is proving it daily. He has proven he has no regard for Congress by sidestepping Congressional authority on amnesty for illegal aliens. Monday he proved he has no regard for the highest court in the land, the U.S. Supreme Court.
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