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Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Rick Perry on Illegal Immigration

Like many conservatives (and liberals as well, most likely), I watched the debate among the Republican Presidential candidates Monday night in Tampa, Florida.  As expected, Rick Perry was catching heat from all sides.  That is what happens to a front-runner.  But, some revealing things came out in that debate that caught my attention..  Rick Perry is becoming more and more a  cardboard box cut-out.  Meaning, he is all fluff and no substance.  I had been leaning heavily toward voting for Governor Perry prior to that debate.
 What has changed my mind is Governor Perry's record on illegal aliens in Texas.  Rick Perry instituted a Texas version of the "Dream Act" by granting the children of illegal aliens the right to pay instate tuition.  That is a major drawback for Governor Perry as the election year starts to heat up.  Governor Perry stated in the debate, "If you've been in the state of Texas for three years, if you're working towards your college degree, and if you are working and pursuing citizenship in the state of Texas, you pay in-state tuition there.  It doesn't make any difference what the sound of your last name is, that's the American way."

Actually, it does make a difference, Governor Perry.  The sound of a person's name is irrelevant to the discussion.  What is relevant is that rewarding lawbreakers is not the American way, to quote Governor Perry.  How fair is it to the family in, lets say Missouri, who wants their son or daughter to take pre-law at the University of Texas?  That American family, having paid taxes all their lives so illegals can enjoy free social services, will have to pay out of state tuition. To add insult to injury, these illegal aliens get to pay instate tuition at the expense of this fictional family in Missouri also.  How fair is that?  How can Governor Perry justify this away?  This is a long smoldering issue that has been exacerbated by President Obama's backdoor amnesty to over 300,000 illegal aliens in this country.  Americans are tired of being the sugar daddy for the destitute of Central America and other regions of the world.  We can't even take care of ourselves.  But, we seem to always have enough money to care for potential voting blocs.  Governor Perry will pay for this as the debates become more focused on the issues.  The economy is the number one issue, of course.  But, illegal immigration is a political football that has been kicked around far too long.  It is time to address this issue once and for all.  Governor Perry has some good ideas on border enforcement.  But, for reasons I don't understand, he is totally against building a two-tiered fence to stop or, at least, hinder illegals from coming across our border.

My question to Governor Perry, what is it going to take to do something about the illegals already in this country?  Don't tell me you can't deport them all.  You don't have to do that.  All you need to do is deprive them of the jobs magnet (e-verify) and social services such as food stamps and social security.  They will leave voluntarily if these actions are ever taken.  It is apparent to me, Governor Perry is not the President we need to do the hard things to stop illegal immigration. We don't need another George W. Bush in the White House.

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