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Wednesday, May 28, 2014

Stupid Political Quotes

About the only people I consider more dumb than Washington D.C. politicians are Hollywood "celebrities."  Both are so far detached from reality, they seem to live in an alternative universe.  They sure as hell don't live in the world where most of us do.  Both are known for doing and saying stupid things.  But, since this is a political blog, we'll stick to stupid politicians.  Some that you will see below are "purportedly" said by our politicians.  I have no way of proving it.  Some I am quite familiar.  Others I am not, but don't doubt they were said.  Now, there are lots of dumb people in all walks of life.  But, you would think our politicians could be held to a higher standard.  I guess it just doesn't work that way. Let's take a look at a select few.

Wednesday, May 14, 2014

Marco Rubio: Yes, I'm Ready To Be President

Senator Marco Rubio has been a rising star among young Republicans and was a star of the Tea Party Movement.  He has been rumored to be thinking of running for the Republican nomination for president in 2016.  On ABC News "This Week," Senator Rubio was asked by host Jonathan Karl if he was ready to be president.  "I do … but I think that’s true for multiple other people that would want to run … I mean, I’ll be 43 this month, but the other thing that perhaps people don’t realize, I’ve served now in public office for the better part of 14 years,” said Rubio. “Most importantly, I think a president has to have a clear vision of where the country needs to go and clear ideas about how to get it there and I think we’re very blessed in our party to have a number of people that fit that criteria.” Senator Rubio replied. 
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