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Wednesday, August 21, 2013

Chris Christie: A Man Without A Party

Chris Christie, alleged Republican Governor of New Jersey, does his best to prove he is not a Republican, seemingly, each week.  He has amply demonstrated he is not a conservative.  In fact, I can't say with any authority he is even the much despised "establishment Republican" that conservatives love to berate.  Christie openly campaigned for taxpayer money for Hurricane Sandy.  Now, you ask, who could be against that?  No one, not me, not anyone.  I know what it's like to experience the devastation of a hurricane.

Wednesday, August 7, 2013

Phony Scandals?

It appears our beloved President, Barack Hussein Obama, thinks four dead Americans in Benghazi is a "phony scandal."  Likewise, President Obama feels using NSA to spy on Americans is the right thing to do due to "national security."  Using IRS to target conservative groups is a "phony scandal."  Fast and Furious gun running operation, which caused the death of at least two border patrol agents, is a "phony scandal."
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