Wednesday, February 27, 2013
Obama Memo on Gun Control
A U.S. Department of Justice memo has got the National Rifle Association (NRA) in an uproar. The memo states, "... requiring background checks for more gun purchases could help, but also could lead to more illicit weapons sales. It says banning assault weapons and high capacity ammunition magazines produced in the future but exempting those already owned by the public, as Obama has proposed, would have limited impact because people now own so many of those items." It also goes on to state that a total ban of assault weapons would have little effect on gun killings because assault weapons account for a very limited number of killings due to guns. The Obama Administration continues to push for a ban of assault weapons regardless of what the memo indicates. The Justice Department, for their part, reiterate the memo is an unfinished review of gun violence research and said it does not represent administration policy.
So, based on the above, why does the Obama Administration continue to push for a ban on some or most assault weapons such as the AR-15? Their own research states background checks, and a federal registry for gun owners will have limited effect at best. Everyone in the NRA has been saying the Obama Administration's initiatives will have little impact on gun violence in this country. A gun ban will not work without mandatory gun confiscation, which so far, Obama has not advocated. So, why the continued push for an assault weapons ban, which the Obama Administrtion admits in the memo will not work? Why advocate a universal background check on all gun purchases when they know it will not work to curb gun violence? Is it to just make the appearance of doing something when they already know it will do nothing at all? This is all politics, pure and simple. The only people who don't understand that are the anti-gun loons who follow through on whatever their Socialist masters dictate. Obama knows his initiative will have very little effect on gun violence. He knows banning guns tomorrow would have no effect with the millions of guns in possession of Americans, legally and illegally, across the nation. So, why the dogged determination to push forward with a failed gun policy? It's either politics as usual or....a precursor to undermine the Second Amendment. I tend to believe it is both.
Wednesday, February 20, 2013
Does Obama Really Want to Avert Sequester?
Another month, another deadline, another crisis in Obama World. If it's not the Fiscal Cliff, it's the debt ceiling. If it's not the debt ceiling, it's trying to avert a March 1 deadline for automatic across-the-board spending cuts. If Sequester does occur, then there will be an immediate $85 billion cut in government services. Obama Zombies tell us federal agents would be immediately furloughed, police and firemen will not be paid and, of course, schoolteachers will not be paid. Obama says people will lose their jobs and unemployment will start to rise. Funny, he just now wants to address jobs and the economy when a manufactured crisis occurs. Ordinarily, Obama is trying to get citizenship and jobs for illegal aliens. That appears to be his top priority right now.
Again, Obama and the Democrats bring up their strawman of the wealthiest Americans not being fairly taxed enough. How often have we seen this movie from the Democrats? It always has the same ending. Republicans, for their part, propose spending cuts, changes in the tax code. Republicans continue to reiterate they would overhaul the tax system to reduce rates, not to raise revenue. In Democratic language, "revenue" is increasing your taxes. Republicans are cowards, as I have said before on this blog. But, Democrats are too cowardly to just tell you upfront they want to raise your taxes. They see visions of Walter Mondale when they start talking about raising your taxes. It seems odd Obama wants to do something about the debt by "increasing revenue." He and the Democrats have never shown any concern for our rising national debt.
Republicans are telling people to be prepared for massive spending cuts due to the Sequester in a couple of weeks. Democrats seemingly are full of themselves and are not concerned about what is about to happen. They want to increase your taxes without really saying it. Republicans are saying taxes are off the table. But, I tend to believe Republicans will cave-in to a degree and claim victory. So, will the Democrats. You see, neither party gives a damn about you or I. They care about making themselves look good to the public. They care about being reelected. Nothing else really matters to politicians. That goes for both Democrats and Republicans equally.
Wednesday, February 13, 2013
How to Catch an Illegal Immigrant
Taco Cid, in West Columbia, South Carolina (a Mexican restaurant, believe it or not) is selling t-shirts stating, "How to Catch an Illegal Immigrant." with a drawing of a box with a stick being held over two tacos -- a makeshift trap. The t-shirts are selling for $35.00. The restaurant is getting inquiries from all over the nation. Of course, not everyone is amused by the t-shirts. Taco Cid owner Leanne Snelgrove has received death threats, bomb threats. It appears the Leftists do not support freedom of speech unless it is in line with their way of thinking. Regardless, Leanne Snelgrove intends to keep selling the t-shirts whether they like it or not. She says business is booming. Snelgrove says she has even gotten attention from buyers overseas as well. Leanne Snelgrove correctly asserts, "It's not racist. It's immigrants - illegal immigrants." Indeed. As for the tacos in the t-shirt, I can understand the blatant message there. But, again, Hispanics are not the only race that eats tacos. So, use another excuse.
One of the problems the open borders crowd has when they cry racism, they fail to explain how being against illegal immigrants is racist. For one thing, "illegal immigrants" are not a race (as I point out in my post, Are Illegal Aliens a Race?). Unless all the illegals are all of one homogenous group, i.e. Hispanic, African, Caucasian etc., you can not pull out that race card with any validity. Of course, the open borders crowd is not this stupid. They know better. But, playing the race card with illegals fits their agenda. So, anything goes with this bunch. It's sad that Hispanics also use the race card when it comes to illegals. Surely, they understand illegal immigrants do not consist of all one race of people. Illegal immigrant is not some new race. Regardless, the Taco Cid owner has tapped into an obvious segment of American and world-wide frustration with illegal immigration. Poking fun at them is something they should expect. I don't see any cries of anguish when Hispanics call whites the derogatory "gringo." I don't see any cries of racism when a California Social Studies teacher calls white people "...weak, old and they need to just die and get out of the way." Nope, you won't see any cries of racism about that. So, to the perpetually offended Hispanics out there, if you can't take it, don't dish it out. Freedom of Speech is a new concept to you, I understand. Threatening people in this country with death threats won't work either. This isn't Mexico....yet.
Wednesday, February 6, 2013
Republicans Are Cowards
A provocative statement, you may say, in stating Republicans are cowards. Perhaps. But, all evidence aside to prove my argument, there can be no other conclusion made about the current state of affairs in the Republican Party. As soon as it became official that President Obama had been reelected, Speaker of the House, John Boehner, was basically laying the framework for terms of surrender. He felt that the fiscal cliff issue could be dealt with, the debt ceiling, gun control and, of course, illegal immigration. Since the election, Obama has been setting the tone of what will be the "Crisis of the Month" in order to get his way. Perhaps Republicans are wary of Obama issuing more executive orders. That is another bone of contention. How can Republicans sit idly by when he basically took immigration away from Congress by allowing the so-called "Dreamers" to stay and go to school at U.S. Taxpayer expense? Was there even a lawsuit filed or injunction filed to fight the President on this by Republicans? To my knowledge, no, Republicans did nothing. On the Fiscal Cliff deal, Republicans gave Obama 90% of all he asked for in that fight. The Debt Ceiling is an ongoing battle. Republicans are showing no real leadership in dealing with the most Left-wing President this nation has ever known. Obama's out of control spending will haunt this country for decades, long after he and all his merry henchmen in the Democratic Party are out of office. Then there is "comprehensive immigration reform" (CIR) aka Amnesty.
After the November elections, Republicans recoiled in terror over the idea of Obama getting 70% of the hispanic vote. Democrats have always done well in this voting bloc. They always will. So, cowards that they are, instead of standing on principle and the rule of law, Republicans are now becoming Democrats on the idea of CIR. Hispanics have been voting in record numbers each time since the Reagan Amnesty in the mid-80s. There were promises of border enforcement then also. So, Republicans have this idea, if we give hispanics ANOTHER amnesty, maybe they will start voting for them. Not a chance in hell that will ever happen. Hispanics are disproportionately low-income and disproportionately likely to receive some form of government support. More than half of hispanics are born out of wedlock. In short, they resemble most of the voting blocs that have helped Democrats for decades now. They will never vote for someone who wants smaller government and less welfare. Those are facts that neither Republicans or Democrats want to talk about. Now, it would be wrong to say ALL hispanics are generational welfare recipients who live off the government dole. But, the main point here is that the majority of hispanics will never vote Republican. It is sheer fantasy to think they ever will. Republicans must know this. So, why don't they say they want the current immigration laws enforced instead of dealing with another amnesty? Because people like John Boeher, Eric Cantor et all, are all cowards. They refuse to stand up for principles of the Republican Party. Instead they want to beome the Democrats alter ego now.
Twenty years from now, if someone wants to trace the total demise, the irrelevancy of the GOP, they can go back to November 7, 2012. On that day, Republicans grew a giant yellow streak. Instead of being the party that stood for the rule of law, instead of a party of principle, let it be remembered the Republican Party decided that for their own self interests, it would be better to be Democrat-lite than be what the Republicans were known to be about at one time; less government, less taxes, more freedom. Neither party cares about the American people. It is time we all understand that.
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