Wednesday, January 30, 2013
The Big Push for Amnesty
As many may know, yesterday was the day that President Obama gave his long awaited speech on immigration. Monday, the "Gang of Eight," as they are known by critics, provided an outline of the latest "comprehensive immigration reform" that politicians in both parties want to shove down the throats of American citizens. The proposal is basically like the one in 2007 that Americans angrily shot down with faxes, phone calls and visits to their Congressmen. In this latest proposal, of course, is the much desired and clamored for "path to citizenship" that hispanics have been having epileptic seizures over since....well, since the LAST amnesty back in the mid-eighties. It never ends. They say they don't want to separate families. There is a simple solution to this that no one will even discuss. If you don't want to separate your families, take them back with you to your native country. Is that difficult to understand? No one would stop you. There is a lot at stake in this latest effort for amnesty for illegal aliens. The usual suspects from the Republican Party, John McCain and Lindsay Graham, are part of the Gang of Eight. Included with them is Sen. Marco Rubio of Florida. He has flip-flopped on this issue since last year. He is making a huge gamble. The Tea Party put him into the senate seat in Florida. Knowing that an overhaul of our immigration system would cost billions, if not trillions of dollars, the Tea Party may just make him pay for this. I hope so.
The cry of Republicans is that there first has to be border enforcement. The Obama administration stated a couple of years ago that the border is secure. But, now, the Obama Administration is promising border enforcement with their proposal on immigration reform. Well, which is it? Is the border secure or not? More lies from Obama. Is there any reason to believe that Obama will secure the border this time? Is there any reason to assume this will the second and LAST amnesty? Hell no, to both questions. The cry for amnesty for any illegal alien will never stop from the hispanic caucus in Congress and certainly not from La Raza (The Race). The sudden influx of illegals with citizenship will overwhelm an already perilous situation with Social Security and Medicare. Of course, the reason Republicans are wetting themselves on this issue is what took place in the last election. Politicians are thinking about their own self-interests and not what is best for American citizens. Finally, I ask these politicians one question; how does a massive amnesty benefit Americans? You are supposed to be working for us. So, again, how does a "comprehensive immigration reform" amnesty help Americans, especially the 23 million that are unemployed? The silence is deafening.
Wednesday, January 23, 2013
Obama: Four More Years
Four more years. Four more years of high unemployment, declining economy, stock market rising and falling, mostly falling is in store. But, clearly, 51% of the fools in this country want that. Why? Because President Obama is "a nice guy." That basically is the rationale for reelecting this man into a second term in office. America's credit rating has fallen during his first term. It is sure to fall in his second term. I watched (briefly, ever so briefly) the inauguration of President Obama. It was more of a celebration of a monarch than of a U.S. President. Basically, a monarch is what Obama truly is as he prefers to rule by decree when he doesn't get his way in Congress. He says the people can't wait on Congress. That is just an excuse. Lots of presidents don't get what they want in Congress. Obama acts like a petulant child when he doesn't get his way. He chose to be partisan, angry and combative in his address Monday (on MLK Jr day). Obama made it clear he was going to take this country even further to the Left, much further than in his first term. History will record that Obama was America's first Socialist president. Obama and his cronies believe in Socialism. What they fail to admit is that Socialism is an abject failure in every country it has been tried, both in government and the economy itself.
So, here we are going into a second term of a highly partisan, extreme Left-wing president. We will get into more wars as Democratic Presidents are prone to do. We will suffer with higher deficits and a national debt that will probably climb from $16 trillion to approximately $20 trillion before Obama is finished with his reign of terror. Democrats don't even want a debt ceiling any longer. They feel the debt is of no consequence since we print our own money. The price for this absurdity will be felt for decades, long after Obama is out of office (assuming His Majesty doesn't demand a third term). I ask of the 51%; is this what you wanted when you voted for Obama again? Of course, the majority will say "No, of course not." Then you are very gullible because Obama has fooled you not once, but twice. Don't cry when you can't put food on the table. If you want to blame someone, go look in the mirror. Meanwhile, His Majesty is laughing all the way through a second term, of which, YOU are responsible.
Wednesday, January 16, 2013
China: Disarm Americans
It's bad enough that China is the landlord of our huge debt. It's bad enough that China tells us to get our spending under control (which President Obama immediately ignored). But, when they start telling Americans they need to turn in their guns, that is going too damn far in my opinion. Of course, China has first hand knowledge of how to control their population. You disarm them. After that, you impose a police state upon the population. The federal government in China hands down rules and the people have to accept them. There is no use in protesting. See Tianamen Square as to what happens when you oppose the Chinese government.
This statement from the Chinese government was announced by the state run media Xinhua. You can read the entire article linked above. I'm not going to repeat all their propaganda. Basically, Xinhua advocated that the federal government forcibly disarm Americans if need be. Don't think that thought has not crossed the minds of the Obama Administration. Andrew Cuomo of New York has even hinted at this very thing as he seeks to strengthen gun control laws in New York. Democrats are doing as they have suggested in the past; never let a good crisis go to waste. What is disgusting is that Democrats are doing this on the graves of 26 innocent people, including 20 kindergarten-age children. The ends justifies the means with these vermin.
China is well-known for human rights violations throughout the world. They are known about the oppressive worker conditions they allow to take place with their own people. Mao Zedong, who was the supreme ruler of the current communist government of China during the revolutionary days, murdered between an estimated 50-70 million people. How many innocent children do you think were killed during this time by guns? How many innocent adults? All those murdered people were presumably disarmed. Do you see a parallel here? Odd how there was no official response from the Obama Administration on the call of Xinhua to disarm Americans. I wonder why...
Wednesday, January 9, 2013
Obama: No Spending Problem
In the South, we have an old saying. "There are two kinds of stupid in this world. One is when you start barking at the moon and make a fool of yourself. The second is when you do that in my living room. I can look over the first, but the second I have to take personal." Or something to that effect. I'm not sure which of the above describes President Obama. For him to state, categorically, that federal spending is not the cause of the massive $16 trillion debt is beyond any logic, by any definition. He obviously doesn't read warnings sent to him from his own agencies or advisers. Obama's own debt commission has warned him that spending is the force that is causing the debt. His own debt commission!!! They are warning him to cut spending and he is ignoring them! But, this is the man that says there is no spending problem? President Obama is the problem. He is like a kid in a candy shop, but only has $1.00 to spend. He has these grandiose plans for the ultimate utopian society where everything is free and everyone is equal. That means no rich, no poor and, yes, no middle class. That is the Socialist dream. Unfortunately, like so many things in the Socialist thought process, it is not feasible or possible.
This just goes on to show how delusional a President we have now. He is reckless and out of touch with reality. We are broke. BROKE. But, we have a President who simply does not realize it or does not care. I'm not sure which it is or maybe it's both. Anyone with common sense could recognize our revenues are not matching our spending. Every household in the USA has to have some kind of budget. If I spend more than I take in each month, I will be out in the street. Why doesn't the federal government feel it is under the same restraints? President Obama ignores his own advisers, his own debt reporting agencies. The only person Obama listens to is, of course, that HUGE Obama ego. President Obama thinks he is the smartest person on earth, no doubt fueled by the idiots that voted for him twice to be the Vacationer in Chief. No spending problem, Mr President? We have a lack of leadership problem, Mr. President. The buck stops with YOU!
Wednesday, January 2, 2013
Gun Control - Waterloo for Democrats?
Much has been said and debated since the senseless tragedy of the killing of 26 innocent lives, including 20 children, at Sandy Hook Elementary School in Newtown, CT. Most of it borders on hysterics, some of it downright frightening. Both sides, Left and Right, need to calm down. You have the Left saying the President of the National Rifle Association (NRA) and all its members should be shot. Think of the irony of that statement for a moment. A segment of the population that wants gun control (or just outright abolition thereof) is wanting to use guns to kill people who disagree with them. The intolerant, bigoted, violent Left never, ever ceases to amaze or entertain. I doubt they even recognize the irony in their statements of violence. To make matters worse, you have people like Senator Dianne Feinstein who is once again trying to get passage on a bill that makes gun owners get background checks, finger prints and just basically makes them criminals. What her bill is all about is to frustrate people into giving up their guns to the federal government. Democrats are taking an enormous political risk by pushing for gun control. I'm certain Democrats remember what happened the last time they pushed for gun control.
The last time Democrats went all out on gun control was in the middle of Bill Clinton's first term as President. Their losses were monumental in the mid-term 1994 elections. It was the first time that a Speaker of the House, Tom Foley, had lost reelection since the Civil War. It was the first time since 1954 that Democrats did not control the House. In other words, the Democrats of today are expending major political capital in their attempt to appeal or invalidate the Second Amendment. Now, some will, once again, hysterically point out this has nothing to do with politics. "This is all about protecting our children". Bullshit. I hate to say this, but Liberals don't give a damn about those children that were murdered. This is ALL about politics to them. Anything goes in pushing their political agenda. As soon as the 2011 Tucson Shootings took place, Liberals immediately tried to put the blame on Conservative Tea Party members. The bodies were still warm when they took to the airwaves and blogs to cast blame. There was little sympathy for the six people that died and the other twelve that were wounded, including Congresswoman Gabby Giffords. So, color me skeptical of Liberal outrage over these children. It's all about politics to them and always will be.
Regardless of what happens to gun control in Congress, Democrats are taking a big gamble and they know it. Democrats have been on the upswing since 2008, with the exception of 2010, and were very successful in 2012. As stated, I'm not buying their excuse that they want to protect people from guns. A crazy person is going to get a gun, someway, somehow. This is about power, absolute power for the federal government. It is not about gun control. Democrats see this as an opportunity to press their dream of unlimited power and putting even more government into the lives of every American.
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