Wednesday, December 19, 2012
Politicizing Sandy Hook
Like everyone else, I was simply devastated and greatly saddened by the insanity of one deranged individual who killed 20 children and 6 adults. There is no way to explain how someone could kill another human being. But, added to that, how can you kill the most innocent of human beings; 5 and 6 year old children? How can you hurt kindergarteners? They were so innocent and were just looking forward to recess. Instead, a scumbag came to school and snuffed out their little lives for no reason, no reason at all. My heart goes out to the families of the victims. Nothing can be said to sooth their grief. There are no words in the English language to comfort someone who loses a child. Jodi Picoult once said,
"In the English language there are orphans and widows. But, there is no word for the parents who loses a child." That's true. There are simply no words to convey the loss and sadness of a parent losing a child. What is almost as sad is that there are people in this country who will politicize a tragedy, such as occurred at Sandy Hook Elementary in Newton, CT, to further their own agenda.
The little bodies of the school children at Sandy Hook were probably still in the elementary school while Mayor Michael Bloomberg, of New York City, came out calling for "immediate action" against the proliferation of guns in America (but, the good mayor declines "immediate action" against his armed guards). Before the first funerals took place, Senator Dianne Feinstein said she will again introduce a bill to ban assault weapons in this country. I very much want to say President Obama was not politicizing this unimaginable tragedy. I'm trying to believe he is not. But, based on his past rhetoric of similar tragedies, I tend to think he is pushing his agenda at the expense of the murders of 26 innocent people, including 20 innocent children. To begin with, Obama's statement of "We can’t tolerate this anymore" was a warning shot across the bow to gun advocate groups such as the NRA. It was a cheap shot in order to blame gun advocates for the insanity of one deranged individual. President Obama went on to say, "whatever power this office holds" in a quest to prevent future mass shootings." He is going to try to twist Congressmen in both parties to come around to gun control and strict gun control this time. Gun control or the absolute abolition of guns is the a Leftist wet dream that has been tried for decades. They are absolutely jumping with joy at "never letting a good crisis go to waste." They are disgusting.
What I ask the Leftists, how do you stop a crazy from getting guns? You can outlaw guns tomorrow and the Adam Lanzas, Dylan Klebolds, and Eric Harrises of the world will STILL find a way to get a gun. You can melt down every gun tomorrow, and the above type individuals will STILL find a way to carry out their insanity by way of a bomb or some other weapon. You can't unring a bell, ladies and gentlemen. You can't go back to a time when there were no guns in the USA. Oh, but they did that in Great Britain, you say? Really? You think the criminal element in Great Britain do not have guns? If they don't, they have knives. In China, a man stabbed 22 school children. You say, but they didn't die. That is truly the case. But, they could have died. This man had a weapon, if used correctly, could have killed at least half those school children in China. One last point to the orgasmic Lefties who are politicizing this tragedy; you say the 2nd Amendment was written during a time of militias and muskets. You say the 2nd Amendment is outdated now. Ok, using this same analogy, should we also appeal or amend the 1st Amendment since it was written with feather pens and parchment paper? Of course not, that is ridiculous. But, your argument to repeal or abrogate the 2nd Amendment is equally ridiculous. Basically, unarming citizens makes them sitting ducks for the crazies of the world such as Adam Lanza. If one teacher, just ONE, had a gun last Friday, the carnage may not have been so bad. One dead child is too many. But twenty? One gun could have stopped Lanza in his tracks. Pity that Liberals are too stupid to understand that.
Wednesday, December 12, 2012
Boehner: Give the Democrats What They Want
As many are aware, the so-called "Fiscal Cliff" is coming at us quite fast. President Obama wants to tax the "rich who make above $250K." Some Republicans are coming around to this, but with a stipulation; cuts in spending across the board. Republicans get only vague responses to this idea when the subject is broached to Democrats. Say "cut spending" to Democrats is similar to saying "stop drinking" to an alcoholic. It's an addiction in both cases. So, right now, House Speaker John Boehner and President Obama are meeting privately to avoid the fiscal cliff in which the Bush Tax Cuts end and taxes increase across the board. That would be disastrous for a still recovering economy. President Obama wants a huge tax increase on the "rich." What our beloved President fails to understand, the so-called "rich" in that $250K bracket that he wants a tax increase, consists of small businessmen. Quick question to the Liberals; who does most of the hiring in this nation, those evil corporations that you demonize or the small businessman (who you also despise)? I think you know small businesses do most of the hiring. It will devastate the small businessman. Why can't you understand this? Even if you increase taxes to 50% on the rich, how much will that go toward cutting the national debt? There will be little change in the debt.
My advice to John Boehner; give the Democrats what they want. They want to increase tax rates, let them do it. There will be a handful of Republicans who will vote with the Democrats in the House. The rest of the Republicans should simply vote "present." That is something President Obama is very familiar with as a state and U.S. Senator. Let the Democrats own this. They feel increasing taxes is the way to prosperity. It is an age old concept of the Progressive. It has never worked in any country. But, again, let the Democrats have what they want. Let them also own the repercussions this will have on the economy and employment. Sure, they will still blame the Republicans. Democrats do not believe in accountability. That's fine. But, even the Obama Zombies who voted for Obama in November will start to realize they have been sold a bill of goods. Even the Obama Zombies will see who pushed this exorbitant tax rate on them. Then again, according to the Russian newspaper Pravda, the Obama Zombies are "illiterate." So, maybe they won't understand who is responsible. Sadly, I must admit that is a possibility also.
Wednesday, December 5, 2012
Mr. Obama Goes To Hawaii
Ok, the title is a takeoff of the movie, "Mr. Smith Goes To Washington." Just to let the Obama Zombies know that I am not disrespecting their "Lord and Savior" President Obama. So, we learn El Presidente is going on a two week vacation right in the middle of heated discussions on the Fiscal Cliff. That should be surprising. Trust me, it is not surprising in the least. This President (for lack of a better word) is noted to let the peasants suffer while he and Michelle jet-set off to Paris and, of course, Hawaii. He took off the week leading up to the vote on Obamacare. He was in Brazil when he sent in U.S. forces to protect Libyan opposiiton forces who were under siege by forces of Muammar el-Qaddafi. That didn't surprise me either. In fact, nothing this President does anymore will surprise me. He issues executive orders when Congress doesn't bend to his will. You'll see him issuing more and more executive orders as he is more of the thinking of that of a dictator. Our President is off to fun and sun in Hawaii at taxpayer expense of a reported $4 million. I've said it before and I will say it again; President Obama doesn't really care for the day to day drudgery of being President. He fought so hard for reelection because her obviously enjoys the perks of being President. He enjoys the number of people fawning over him. He enjoys being in the spotlight. It feeds his overinflated ego immensely.
What's strange about this multimillion dollar Hawaii vacation is how silent the "unbiased" mainstream news media is about it. It's a two week Christmas vacation. You would think the President would try to set an example by showing fiscal restraint as all Americans must do these days since we have a President who never met a taxpayer dollar he didn't want to spend. But, little is being said, not only by a fawning news media, but by Republicans themselves. Why the silence? Why not ask this President the tough questions, such as what kind of example does this set for Americans who worry about losing their homes, their jobs, their retirement funds? But, approximately 51% of the American people voted for this charlatan. So, those of you who voted for this man's reelection, enjoy your lack of money in the bank. Enjoy pounding the pavement looking for work. Enjoy the high cost of living. At least your hero can go on a Hawaii vacation during Christmas.
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