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Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Clinton Undermining Obama

There are a lot of things you can say about former President Bill Clinton.  You can call him a sex hound, sexual deviant, a philanderer, the luckiest President who ever lived and a number of other names that are not flattering.  One thing you can't say about him is that he is not the consummate politician.  Unlike President Obama, when Bill Clinton lost the House to Republicans, he came to the center to save his Presidency.  He was smart enough to realize that the USA is a center-right, voting majority.  Obama never took the hint from the vote of 2010.  He is paying for it now.  But, what President Obama didn't expect is for Clinton to undermine him the way he did recently on the Piers Morgan show on CNN.  Clinton stated, "Mitt Romney had a “sterling” record while running Bain Capital."  This is totally the opposite message the Obama campaign is trying to use against Mitt Romney, the businessman.  Obama is vulnerable to attacks about his ability as a businessman.  He has no record of creating jobs prior to coming to the White House where he has created "green jobs" with taxpayer money.  Solyndra is a "sterling" example of how that initiative has failed.

There is no secret that Bill Clinton has no love for President Obama.  In fact, according to former Clinton adviser Dick Morris, Clinton does not want Obama to win.  Morris states that Bill Clinton said "You have six months to save the country."  It is no secret Bill Clinton considers the inexperienced Obama as an amateur.  That thought process made the rounds long before the end of the Democratic Primaries for President ended in 2008.  Apparently, Bill Clinton still feels that way.  You have to believe the Obama campaign is outraged by the comments from Bill Clinton who supported Mitt Romney's record as a businessman at Bain Capital.  Romney's strength is as a businessman.  That fact strikes fear in the hearts of the Obama Zombies at Obama Campaign Headquarters.  So, what to do?  You attack Romney's strength and hope something sticks.  It's not working.  Many Democrats are turning against the strategy of demonizing Bain Capital.  There is a good reason for that.  Many Democrats are investors with Bain Capital.  In any case, the longer the Obama campaign sticks to this fruitless strategy of attacking Romney over Bain Capital, the stronger Romney appears to get.  Thanks, in no small part, to a number of Democrats like Bill Clinton.

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