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Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Andrea Mitchell: Iowa Too White

You know, the really sad thing about liberals is that sometimes their biases and outright racist views are exposed without them even realizing it.  Such is the case with NBC correspondent Andrea Mitchell.  She stated on the Sunday edition of the NBC Night News  that Iowa is..."Too white, too evangelical, too rural" to adequately represent the rest of the country.  That may or may not be so.  But, let's take this point of Mitchell's even further.  Is Detroit too black, too drug infested, too urban to represent the rest of America?  Most people would consider that a racist question at it's heart and soul.  Suppose Andrea had said that?  What would have been the reaction?  I think we all know she would have had her ass fired so quickly her head would still be spinning.  But, because many in Iowa are white, it is considered politically correct to say this.  I thought we were suppose to get past color.  Sure, I realize the context in which her remarks are taken.  She was speaking about the average voter in Iowa is white, Christian and lives in an urban area.  But, her assumption is that most Americans are not like Iowa.  On what does she base this uneducated, unsubstantiated remark?  And just what is the average American voter like? Like all liberals, she doesn't feel like she has to be held responsible for what she says.  Nothing will happen to her because this callous remark was about white people.

It reminds me of the similar remark that Obama made during his 2008 campaign about people in the Midwest.  Then Senator Obama stated, "And it's not surprising then that they (Midwest) get bitter, they cling to guns or religion or antipathy to people who aren't like them or anti-immigrant sentiment or anti-trade sentiment as a way to explain their frustrations."  The amazing thing about that statement is that Obama got away with it.  He not only got away with it, he won despite making such an atrocious remark.  There is very little difference between his remark and that of Andrea Mitchell on Sunday night.  Yet, both get away with it and get a pass from the news media.  If you condemn a conservative for making a racist remark, then you must equally be outraged by racist or bigoted remarks from liberals such as Andrea Mitchell and her idol, President Obama.  But, that has never been the case in the political landscape of this country.  Fairness is not in the DNA of our politics.

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